The Fight

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(Kinda long sorry)
Matt pov
I calmly gather myself just outside the doors.  Gus just steps away from me, I can feel him staring at me. 
"I'll see you inside" I told Gus, he just nodded and headed in.  I stood there as my eyes welled with tears.  I quickly wipe them away so no one knew I was crying.  I walked through the doors and was met with two walls of weapons, I go for a big hammer that I can barely carry with two hands.  Great desicion on my part.  The floor opens up and I'm shoved inside and met with an amonios glob on the floor.  It suddenly came at me but just as quickly as It jumped I dodged, just as quickly as it attacked I defended.  We were practically in sync.  Suddenly I lost my hammer as I was preoccupied with grabbing it grom got a hold of me.  Here it is, this is what I'm afraid of.  I prepared for the worst as it vastly grew and shrank just as fast.  A familiar figure appeared, AGUSTUS! I thought to myself my eyes widened and I froze.  I quickly dropped down to grab the hammer but just then he grabbed my face and muttered the words I never thought I would never want to hear come out of that boys mouth
"You really are useless? Aren't you?"
My heart sank to my stomach as it began to tell me all the things I never wanted to hear from him
"Pathetic, weak, useless excuse of a witch.  Why would you ever. EVER think I'd like you even the slightest bit"
My face felt hot and tears began to well in my eyes and slowly trickle down my face.  I felt around for the hammer and finally got a hold of it.  I tried to pick it up but it was two heavy.  I quickly drew a spell circle with one finger and a rock quickly shot up underneath the hammer helping me to get it off the ground and i swung as hard as I could with my eyes shut tight.  Just then a crown appeared on my head as I fell to my knees, breathless from what had happened
Gus pov
When grom got a hold of Matt it began to grow big then quickly shrank to around his height.  It looked a lot like...ME?! I got closer in order to hear what was happening and heard every word of what he was told just then he swung the hammer defeating grom.  He fell to his knees to catch his breath as everyone around him began to clap.  He quickly got up and left in the blink of an eye.  I followed close behind.  He sat alone outside the school on the front steps.  I slowly walked up behind him trying not to startle him
"Hey Matty" I greeted.  He looked back and quickly wiped away any tears that had been on his face at the time
"Oh h-hey, what's up?" He questioned
"Nothing just wondering why my date ditched me at grom" he seemed taken aback by the comment
"Oh did you ask someone out?" Matt asked with a break in his voice
"Yep and he's sitting right there" I gestured to where Matt was sitting
"Oh haha right"
"Ummm...I heard what grom was telling you" Matt's eyes went wide
"Oh um yea sorry I don't know what that was"
"It's ok everyone's fears are different"
"You-you know I'd never say something like that to you, right?" He looked away not knowing how he should respond "do-do you think, that I think, you're pathetic?" Those words seemed to hit him hard
"What no no no i know you'd never say that to me, it was just, like I said it was just a stupid misunderstanding" Matt's voice began to crack
"Matty? Do, me? Like, like like me"
"I-I- ..."he paused for what felt like forever until he finally broke "I'm sorry I know it's weird and you don't like me like that I wasn't planning on telling you cause I was scared it'd ruin our friendship and I guess, I guess I just did" Matt began to cry a little trying to hold back the lump in his throat "I didn't know grom would reveal that, I didn't even know that was something I was scared about" he began to shake and tremble through each word "I'm sorry, I didn't mean for this to happen I'm so sorry I completely understand if you don't want to be friends anymore" Matt looked away so I couldn't see him crying
"Matty I-"
"GUS!!!" Luz shouted "come quick we need ti take a group photo before the photo guy leaves"
"But I-"
"Now, let's go" she said as she grabbed my hand and yanked me inside.
Matt pov
I Guess that's the end of that friendship.  I slowly picked myself up, dusted myself off and wiped away the crystallized tears on my face before I started my walk home.  On my home I just fidgeted with the crown in my hand.  As soon as I got home I set the crown down on the table next to the flower Gus got me, and headed to my room without even so much as a sound.

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