Grom king

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Matt pov
Illusions is a lot more difficult then a thought it'd be but I suppose it's worth it to see Gus more often. I'd say we've become, friends. I'm not sure how Gus would refer to it but I'd say definitely friends.
As I'm lost in thought I'm rudely interrupted by the intercom system with principal bumps booming voice
"Hello students of hexside" he leads "as you all may know our annual grom celebration is vastly approaching and it's time we picked our grom king or queen for the year" he pauses before reading the name. I patiently wait to see if it's anyone I know, maybe it'll be boscha I know a lot of people that would pay to see that fight. As I leaned back confidently in my chair awaiting the name I'm soon taken aback when the loud speaker comes back on with the name "Matt Thollomule, congratulations to our grom king"
Everyone began to clap and look back at me with a look of pity. I felt a hand on my shoulder and look back to see Gus
"Jeez dude good luck with that one" he remarks "hopefully you don't like, die"
"That's always the goal" I reply with a smug voice knowing full well he could hear the cracks "grom is in for a treat when I pull out these sick new illusions I learned" I say as I motion dramatically with my hands. Gus just laughed, I loved when he laughed. Well not like love love that'd be weird. No not like that, Gus could never like me back, or like that I mean.
"Do you even have any fears?" Gus questioned
"None that I can think of"
"maybe you'll get lucky"

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