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(it's been a while so i'd recommend giving the last two chapters a quick read so you're aware and up to date!!)


I was angry. My skin was hot to touch - like a burning cauldron beginning to overflow.

Within the first few seconds of Cirse leaving my roomI had jumped out of bed - rustling around for some clothes I could wear. A basic sweater and pyjamas pants had to do. Within the same few  moments, there was a knock to my bedroom door, followed by it swinging open.

"What is the point of you knocking if you are going to just open my door anyway?!" I snapped, turning around to be met with Azriel. He was dressed in his signature black fighting leathers, a belt of weapons clung around his slim waist.

He looked slightly taken aback at my instant remark, "Why is the honourable young lady so moody?"

"Moody?" I forced a laugh, my eyes sending bullets towards him, "I have one thing to ask you, and one thing only."

He leaned against the door, crossing his arms and jerking his head at me to continue, "I'm listening."

"Did you or did you not rape me last night?"

Azriel seemed to almost lose balance despite being supported by the door. His gold eyes turned slightly darker in shade, "What?"

"My question is clear. Did you or-"

"You are insane." It was the Arch Angel's turn to bark a laugh, "You think I raped you? You must be in-fucking-sane. I couldn't ever do anything of the sort."

"I'm sure you loved me grinding on you last night in front of a bunch of men, like a silly whore! How can I be so sure you didn't take advantage of me when you took me back?!"

Azriel looked lost for words. "Let me show you."

"Show me?" I arched a brow, my tone seething with sarcasm, "And how exactly are you going to do that?"

"Close your eyes."

Skeptical, I glared at him. "Why?"

"Just close your eyes, you absolute headache."

I closed my eyes, uncomfortable and unknowing, immersed in darkness. I waited a few seconds, and I was awfully close to snapping at him until what seemed like a hallucination right before my eyes began to appear. Colours, merging into one to form an image in front of me -

"What's happening?"


An image formed. It was me sat upon Azriel's lap last night, adorned in the same dress I had worn. I looked out of it - completely drunken and lost, but enjoying myself. He looked concerned, perhaps due to the wandering eyes upon me from the crowd. Suddenly, he arose - lifting me up with him. I followed the image as he carried me down the corridor gently, heading toward the direction of my chamber - and I started to feel a knot of guilt arise in my throat when I saw him do nothing but put me to bed.

My eyes flickered open and the image vanished.

Azriel stood by my door still, his features deathly cold and solemn. I quickly tore eye contact from him and looked down into my lap in an attempt to hide the tears building up in my eyes.

Shit, Adeline. You are not going to cry in front of this asshole right now. Stop.

I remained still as I heard the Arch Angel's footsteps come towards me. Hesitantly, for sure, he sat himself down beside me on my bed.

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