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Today had marked three months since I had been brought to Pandaemonium. Three whole months away from my father, my sister, my home - which didn't seem much like a home to me any longer. 

I had spent most of the evening in my bedroom listening to the crackling fire and the utter silence of the outdoors of Velastille - so different from the chirping birds and evergreen melodies I was used to back in the human world.

With a gentle knock, Cirse had entered my bedroom; her reddish-brown hair secured in a loose braid and her hands carrying a tray upon which was a mug.  I met her gaze and she noticed my confusion at her sudden appearance.

"Hot cocoa," She clarified, her voice as sweet and gentle as her features, "Since you didn't come to dinner, I thought a warm drink in this cold would do you good."

I smiled with gratitude as she placed the drink on the bedside table and then hesitantly perched herself on the edge of my bed, near my waist. The smile splayed on my lips remained in order to let her know I approved. 

"Master was asking about you," She spoke up, and I instantly felt my face tighten and smile falter. "He kept asking me why you didn't come down for dinner."

"And what did you say?" I pushed.

"That you wanted to rest as you were tired."

I leaned over to grip the mug from the tray besides me. "I'm surprised he didn't argue with that. A month or so ago he would have come to my room himself to drag me down to eat."

"Well, people become more understanding of each other as time passes." She simply replied, watching me as I took a sip of the drink and sighed at the sensation of the warm liquid coursing down my throat. After a few more seconds she rose from my bed and moved to shut the curtains, sealing the room in darkness. My heart stumbled at the act, and I blurted out, "Leave them open - please."

Cirse nodded and left the curtains open, wishing me goodnight and telling me to send word if I needed anything after she had departed. Within the next thirty minutes I had fallen into a swift and deep sleep.

The following morning when I had awakened I was confused, but not surprised to find Azriel stood outside my bedroom.

"Are you decent?" His voice, deep and laced with rich regal accent asked me from the other side of the door.

Still sat in my bed I quickly gathered the duvet at my shoulders and chest in an attempt to hide the sheerness of my sleeveless nightdress. "What's so important at this time?!"

Azriel took that as an indication to enter, and after making sure the door was shut tight behind him he looked towards me. His dark eyebrow lifted. "I've seen women look better in the mornings."

"You're such a prick!" I seethed, throwing a pillow from my bed straight at him. Of course he dodged it, but a smirk appeared on his lips at my reaction regardless. 

"Adeline, I've been thinking." He pressed his back against the bedroom door, as if obstructing entry for anyone else. His tone of voice was also significantly lower. "I think we need to tell Julian."

 "Tell him what?"

"Tell him that you're a human and not what he thinks you are."

My eyes narrowed in confusion. "And what's with this sudden change of plan? You were so content on hiding me from everyone-"

"And I am hiding you from everyone - nothing is changing," He interrupted sternly, "But it's starting to become obvious that you're someone else. Julian, bless him, probably doesn't put much thought into it. But Celeste has picked up a scent and I'm not running any risks here. By telling Julian at least we can have another person to protect you."

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