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The young silver-haired male had followed the lady-in-waiting down the lit corridors, and upon entering the second floor of the estate he could hear the gentle sobbing coming from the library. He tapped a couple knocks to the door, with the sobbing almost instantly shifting to sniffles, and then entered.

"Hey," Julian murmured softly, kneeling down infront of Cirse while she sat in a chair. Her petite nose was red, and her eyes watery from crying. It broke Julian's heart. "Are you okay?"

She wiped her eyes with the back of her hands, trying to control her sniffles. "I don't understand w-why she is so horrible. What did I do to her?"

Julian used the back of his knuckle to lightly wipe the dampness of her under eyes. "There's nothing wrong with you, Cirse. Absolutely nothing. If anything, you're perfect. She's just jealous."

"Of what? This?!" She ran a hand through her amber hair and forced a laugh, "That's stupid."

"I love it." Julian admitted, "It makes you stand out."

"Whatever," The young lady sniffled in response, wiping her nose. "Why'd you come after me anyway?"

Julian was slightly taken aback by the question, but tried to regain composure. He didn't want to come across desperate, like a dog awaiting his owners return - but he also didn't want Cirse to believe he didn't care.

"Because there's something that draws me to you, Cirse." He murmured, and she looked at him surprised.


"Every time I see you my heart crushes under the pressure of finding you so gentle - so soft. You're what I need in this treacherous world of constant violence which is my brain."

Cirse remained silent, her big blue eyes staring at the powerful male kneeled in front of her. Julian cleared his throat, "I wasn't sure when to give it to you."

The Second pulled the small velvet box from the pocket of his fighting leathers and opened it for her. Cirse sucked in a small breath which left whispers across his skin as she took in the sight.

A silver plated necklace - the amulet blue to match her eyes but designed to show true depth of the colour when held to the light. A thing of secret, lovely beauty.

"It is beautiful," She whispered, lifting it from the box. Her eyes, dreamy, lifted up to meet his. "Put it on me?"

His head went quiet - his thoughts, everything. He took the necklace from the box as she exposed her back, sweeping her hair up in one hand to bare her long, creamy neck.

He knew it was wrong. He knew Azriel would be mad. He didn't even know if he and Cirse were mates, but there he was, sliding the necklace around her. Letting the tips of his fingers brush again her soft sweet skin. Cirse shivered under his touch.

It had never gone this far. They'd exchanged the occasional brush of fingers or link of arms, but never this. Never blatant, unrestricted touching. Wrong - it was so wrong.

He needed to know what her skin tasted like.

She turned around to face him, the amulet hanging low enough to tease his cleavage. He tried to control his gaze, but he was desperate - so desperate for her. Her innocence, her beauty, her grace.

Cirse stepped closer to him as though she had read his mind, pressing her body up against him in a way that could have made his knees buck. Without thinking, his hand slid up her neck, burying in her thick hair. He tilted her face the way he wanted it and watched as her pinkish, plump lips parted - her eyes deeply scanning his before fluttering shut.

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