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Azriel clicked his fingers, and within seconds the orchestra had begun enlightening the halls with music. The crowd, however, filled with people of grandeur and elegance, struggled to tear their gazes away from us.

I had become the Arch Angel's whore - the wild, dark thing he cradled in his arms.

Azriel seemed to like that thought, as moments later he looked up to me with his gold bedroom eyes glazed with something red-hot. Infatuation, maybe - arousement. We maintained strong eye contact as his hand gradually traced the skin of my thigh - higher and higher. In desperation, I even shifted closer to him - his fingers teasing near the black panties I wore beneath this damn dress.

I had been so cold and lonely for so long, and my body cried out at the contact - at the joy of simply being held and touched and feeling alive.

I felt the tip of his finger arrive at the waistband of my panties; so far from where I wanted them yet so close. My head felt so heavy I was struggling to support it, hence why I chose to drop it to between the dark male's shoulder and neck while he continued to play about with my waistband.

A dirty tease - that is what he was.

And as he did that, I looked to where Orion was standing, watching us, my wine he had been commanded to bring forgotten in his hands.

More, I wanted more so bad.

"More?" The powerful male whispered into my ear, and I jerked my hips at his voice - ignoring the fact he had yet again read my thoughts.

His finger slipped under my panties, my dress covering the scene in a manner where no one could see or make out anything within the crowd. I was flushed - I wanted him so bad. My hand brushed past his crotch, where I felt the firmness in his pants. I realised how much he wanted me back, how bad he wanted to-

He stopped.

Withdrawing his fingers from under my underwear quickly, he readjusted my dress in a way to cover my bared skin. Confused, I stared at him with a look of annoyance clear in my eyes yet he ignored it. A hand under my thighs and another behind my back, he lifted me up.

I felt his lips near my ears. "If I was going to ever make you feel good, Adeline, I would want you to be sober so you could feel every little detail of what I'd do to you."

Shivers down my spine as I clasped my arms around his neck. He carried me down the steps of the throne and then into the crowd, ignoring any stares he received as he did so. I kept my head close to his chest, my eyes shut and my head spinning in ungrateful movements which had me thinking I would vomit at any moment.

My eyes still shut, the sounds of the music and the crowd faded - until all I could hear was the mere clicks of Azriel's shoes down the grand corridor of the estate. I recognised that sound instantly.

"Where are we going?" I managed to mumble, my eyes far too heavy to keep open.

"To your bedroom, Adeline." I heard him reply, laced with that rich regal accent.

After what felt like the farthest walk down the corridor and up a staircase, he finally very gently put me down - handling me with precise care as though I was a fragile object.

Opening my eyes, we were in my bedroom and I couldn't have been more glad. An ache had started to overcome my body and I knew sleep is what I desperately needed. The dress I wore had started to itch my skin and cause me discomfort, and so without a second thought I pulled it over my head.

I watched as Azriel looked away as quick as light, "Holy shit, you could of warned me?!"

"Don't act like- like you're not dying to see," I slurred, poison still injecting my voice even while drunk.

Azriel cleared his throat and opted to ignore my remark as I climbed into my bed, pulling the duvet over me and almost sighing in relief at the comfort. "You can look now."

The young male turned, hesitating to look as if he thought I was fooling him and would still be led upon the bed in pure nakedness. Once seeing me tucked into bed, he relaxed and slowly crouched down besides the side my head rest.

"Are you going to try and get some sleep for me?" He murmured, and I nodded - my eyes already starting to flicker closed. The only thing keeping them open was how stunning he looked - knelt by the side of my bed, his dark hair messy and his crown tilted upon his head. His fiery gold eyes encased by those thick, black eyelashes and his structured features.

"I want to kiss you," I murmured, propping myself up onto my elbows in a way my cleavage was visible without me realising. He kept his eyes focused on mine.

"Do you, now?" A smirk spread across his lips. Those pink lips which looked so so... delicious.

He let out a low chuckle with snapped me out of my thoughts, "Delicious? Do better, Adeline."

"Hey!" I mumbled, my speech slow, thick and heavy as I felt my eyelids grow heavier with each passing second. I have up against the weight of my body and led back down into the sheets. You said you couldn't read my thoughts."

No answer, but instead I felt a press of lips onto my forehead, soft and mellow, "Goodnight, Adeline."

Then pure darkness.


I awoke the following morning, my head extremely groggy and my vision blurry. I wasn't sure what went into crafting alcohol for angels, but it was surely some strong ingredients.

Sitting up in my bed, I tried to recollect what had happened the previous night - but everything was  fragmented. Bits and pieces of broken memories I was trying to pierce together - before some vivid images flashed through my brain.

Me atop Azriel, moaning - feeding into his ego, his masculinity, him.


I could already feel my cheeks heating up with embarrassment. He had let me do that in front of the courts - I felt like strangling him.

Pushing the covers off me aggressively, I quickly came across my naked body.

Thoughts started to race through my head - negative thoughts, negative connotations of waking up naked without a trace of memory of what could of happened.

My heart was beating far too quick. I didn't like this at all.

A gentle knock on the door, and Cirse - my maid entered. I gathered the duvet and pulled it to conceal myself, my tone frantic, "What happened last night, Cirse?"

She was carrying a tray with what looked like toast, jam and tea for me, but upon seeing my anxious and disturbed state she quickly set it down before rushing over to me. "What do you mean, my lady?"

"What did he do to me?! You must know?!"

"N-Nothing! You were drunk and were sat on his lap within the hall, and-"

"I know that," I snapped, "What happened when he took me back? Did he undress me and touch me?!"

"N-No, I really don't think so ma'am. I really don't-"

"Get him to come to my room." I seethed through my teeth. "Right now."

Panicked to see me this exasperated, the young maid immediately rose to her feet - rushing to leave and fulfil my command.

And I? I remained sat upon my bed, heart racing as I begged the only body I trusted with my soul had not abused me.

Not again.

not again? uh oh. what do you think she means by that :) i leave it to interpretation for now but the answer will be revealed soon.

i'm so sorry for such a delay in updates, with uni i am so so busy soi'm trying extremely hard to deliver these chapters to u as quick as i can but i'm falling behind. please bare w me - i haven't forgotten!

please please vote and comment to show your support!!

love u all, J xx

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