Chapter 12

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Our sexy twins. Zayden and Hayden. Just imagine 2!

Zayden's P.O.V

I never in a million years thought I'd have an amazing mate. Not only that but he was my student! On top of that my brother was back, who which I never thought I'd be seeing again. I was the happiest man alive.

Hayden and Austin were cuddling on the couch while I made us dinner. My mates looked so cute together. I would have thought I'd be jealous, but I really wasn't, in fact it was a huge turn on. My Austin were the sexiest man alive, hands down. It was kinda weird though. I do wonder why Austin's twin, Danny wasn't our mate as well or at least my brothers? I guess I shouldn't question the Goddess. She knows exactly what she's doing and I have all confidence in her.

"Dinner is ready. Come get your plates please" I yell . They run in the kitchen,well more like Hayden runs into the kitchen while Austin holds onto him for dear life.

"It smells delicious baby!" Austin says cheerfully and slowly climbs off of Hayden. Hayden kisses his head softly before walking over to me. We look over to our angel as he stares at us with lust filled eyes.

I step away slowly and pick up the plates, Hayden grabs the drinks, and Austin grabs the utensils. We all walk over to the table and set everything down before sitting and eating. After we finish, I pick up all the dishes and put them in the sink, Austin pushes me over.

"I'll wash them baby. You already cooked for us. It's the least I can do."

I smile and wrap my arms around his waist. I kiss the back of his neck and smile at Hayden. Soon Austin finishes and we all walk to our room upstairs. Austin goes in the shower while me and Hayden lay on the bed.

"Do you think he's ready?" I ask Hayden

"What do you mean ?" He looks at me with a confused face.

"Do you think he's ready to mate with us, to become one of us and have our pup?" I ask while sitting up

"In all honesty, I think our angel is more then ready... Hey stop it! Don't over think this ok? We can try and if he's not ready he'll tell us. He might be all innocent looking and shy, but he can be quite a feisty little thing when he wants to" he say laughing, soon after I join in. We don't realize our little one had walked out.

"What's so funny?" He asks quietly. He was wearing a robe, which was weird, he always came out the shower with a towel around his waist.  Instead of questioning him, I stand and look down at him.

"Nothing little one, now tell me why you're wearing a robe? Is they're something your hiding from us?" I ask joking. He looks down while biting his lip, playing with his fingers.

"Maybe..." I look at him confused and turn around, motioning Hayden to come. I raise his head so he's looking at me and Hayden.

"Hey baby, it's ok. What is it?" I ask softly. He keeps biting his lip and reaches down to undo the strap. I step back a bit and look at the sexiest sight I have ever seen. We stand there, me and Hayden, looking surprised.

"I know I look stupid, I'm going to go change" he whispers quietly, letting out a little sob.  We quickly wrap him in our arms and hold him to our chest

"No baby, don't. You look far from stupid. You look so sexy little one. You're such a beauty. You have us in the little palm of your hands." I whisper in his ear.

The night was filled with love and pleasure. Nothing could compare to this night and the love that was spread around the room. We explained to our angel that when we marked him as ours he would become fertile and be able to have our babies. He was nervous at first, but a look of excitement washed over his face when he realized we'd have our very own babies.

Austin is the most caring person I know. He I know he would make the best father for our children. That I knew. What he was most scared about was the transformation. Luckily, he fell asleep right after our little romance scene. For now everything would be okay till morning.

I personally, being Alpha, have heard of quite a bit of transformations. Never have I been around one since this matter is personal between the person transforming and their mate. All I hope for is that he wouldn't regret choosing to be one of us. It would break my heart to know we did something he would not like and wouldn't be able to change.

Hayden noticed me worrying while Austin cuddled him. He looks over and asked what was wrong.

"I'm worried about the transformation. I don't want him to regret it or be in pain." I whisper softly.

"Stop worrying. He chose to do this on his own. We need to trust him in his decision. He will feel pain. This would be his first ever transition, but we will be right here to ease his pain. We won't let him go through it alone. He's strong and brave." He smiles and kisses Austin's forehead.

I simply nod and try to keep my worry down. Hayden was right. I should trust that he will be okay and we will be with him every step of the way.

I'm so sorry! I'm the worst author ever! My life right now is not going well. I start school Monday and well... I'm going through a rough time... My grandma has been in the hospital for almost a month and then they've been telling us she might not make it but she pushes through.. They told us again yesterday and well we're all hoping for the best right now... I'm praying with my life right now.. Thank you my loves for still sticking with me. It means a lot to me.



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