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you HAVE to listen to the song for the full effect.

𝐏𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐓𝐢𝐦𝐞

I hummed, flipping my grilled cheese. The tv went on in the background as I waited for Tom to get back.

My eyes shot to the fridge, I gasped, walking to it and pulling out the cans of coca-cola. My hands shivered at the bare contact of them.

I ran my hand through my hair, sighing as I flipped the grilled cheese once again, it was a slight golden color.

I raised an eyebrow at the sudden smell, I sniffed the air many times before shrugging it off. But I couldn't exactly get it off my mind, it kept lingering. I looked around the kitchen for any sight of it but nothing.

I cracked open the can of coke, bringing it up to my lips. As I sipped, the scent hit me. Valeria, it's her smell, but of course not a big deal.

I heard foot steps come towards the kitchen. "About time your back, the grilled cheeses are done." I said, my back facing Tom.


I froze. Everything in me froze, her voice danced around my head as well my ears, leaving me shocked. I slowly turned my head to face her.

There she was, in my house after 3 months. I gulped, staring her in the eyes. "What are you doing here.." I stammered, feeling my heart pound, sweat beads beginning to form on my forehead.

She grinned slighly, walking up to me. I stepped back, til my hips hit the counter. "What do you mean? This is my home, I'm back Bill, aren't you happy?" She smiled, coming closer to me.

I gulped, feeling shaky everywhere in my body. I'm not exactly scared that she's bad, well I am but not.

"No it's not." I muttered, turning my head to avoid eye contact. She chuckled, raising her and up to my face, caressing my cheek slowly with her thumb. "Yes it is. You took off the lease on my apartment." She said lowly, bringing her hand to my chin, forcing me to look into her eyes.

I let out a defeated breath, looking her in the eyes. The pretty brown eyes I once loved, the ones that would look at me with love surrounding them. But now, they're filled with nothing but craziness.

"Valeria.. I don't think you should continue what you're doing." I managed to get out, she tilted her head, raising an eyebrow. "Hmm? I'm not doing anything, sweet boy." She smiled, putting my hair behind my ear. I shivered at her touch, debating if I should run or not, but also hoping Tom would come back.

"I love you, Bill, I feel whole when I'm with you." She whispered, bringing her lips to my ear. I gulped, bringing my hands to hover over her waist.

"I can't be with you Val. Not after what you did." I said, my voice becoming scratchy. "Yes you can." She yelled slightly. I shook my head, tears beginning to form, causing my face to heat up.

I widened my eyes, feeling a sharp metal glide against my abdomen, slowly coming up to my chest.

I gulped, shaking my head as she kept the same sly smile on her face. She nodded slowly, running the side of the knife along my chest. "P-Please... Val..." I cried, trembling against the counter.

I gasped, feeling a sharp pain in my chest, feeling a warm liquid drip down my stomach.

"I'm sorry."


"I'm sorry." I said, sobbing against his chest as I repeatedly dug the knife into his chest.

Tears streamed down my face as I looked at his lifeless body. Blood was all over my hands, my hoodie and the counter. I brought my hand up to his face, caressing my thumb slowly.

"I'm so sorry, Bill. I love you." I whispered, kissing his lips for the last time.

I sighed, slowly pulling the knife out, blood spilling out more and more by each inch I pulled out. His grey shirt, turning a darker color than before.

I leaned back, the 7 holes in his body sticking out. I sighed, kissing his collarbone before pulling him on the ground. I laid down with him, wrapping my arm around his blood-soaked shirt.

I felt something vibrate against my thigh, I sat up, pulling his phone from his pocket.


Tom - 1:14 AM
Hey, sorry cant come back. Sophia needs my help with something lol i'll see u tmrw tho

I snickered, at the message, throwing the phone against the fridge. I laid my head against his chest, the smell of blood filling my nostrils.

I kissed his cheek before laying down beside him.

His lifeless body.

He's mine forever.


𝙈𝘼𝙉𝙄𝘼𝘾-𝘽𝙄𝙇𝙇 𝙆𝘼𝙐𝙇𝙄𝙏𝙕Where stories live. Discover now