Chapter 47 You're so Talented

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(Zenitsu's Perspective)

I couldn't stop hugging her the whole day after that! She was so wonderful. I can't even put it into words! When she said that she was willing to have kids with me, of all the people in this world, my heart just,AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH. I was having a love seizure! Just the thought of a life that is perfect is too much for me to handle!

"Hey Zenitsuro!" Inosuke called me over. "Look what I found!"

Inosuke showed me a crumpled piece of paper with a drawing of me on it. I grabbed it from him.

"Hey! That's mine!" Inosuke screamed, reaching for the paper.

"Nu uh! It has my face on it!" I said back

"I'm the one who found it!" He replied.

"Inosuke, where did you find this?" I asked

"It's none of your business!" He pauses but couldn't help but talk. "But, if you really want to know, I went looking for (Incorrect name) and I found it on her bed. It was cool so I kept it."

I tried to uncrumple it. "Well you could have kept better care of it."


I ran away with the picture. Inosuke, of course, started chasing me. I eventually lost him and ran to y/n's room. When I walked in, she was putting ointment on herself again. Her stomach wound looked so much better!

"Hey y/n Chan~"

"Hey Zen, how are you?"

"I'm great!" I said, hugging her from behind.

She giggles. "That's good. What's got you in a good mood?"

I hold the picture in front of her face. She took it from me.

She looked at the picture and back at me.

"It's really good y/n Chan! You did a really good job! I love the fact that you were thinking about me so much!"

She continued to look at me and back at the picture.

"It's not that good. I can't capture you the way I wanted to." She said

"What do you mean!?" I scream, "it looks exactly like me!"

"It doesn't feel like you. It looks like you but it feels like a stranger." She said, "the eyes are emotionless and the smile has no joy and the bangs look dead." She tries to find something to fix it with. I stopped her.

"No! It's perfect! Don't change it! I love it." I took the picture and admired it some more. "Can I keep it?" I ask

"Sure." She said I could tell she was disappointed in herself.

I hugged her tight.

"You did great! I love it!"

She hugged me back. "Thank you Zeni."

I pause for a second, enjoying the moment.

"Would it make you feel better if I painted you?"

She smiled and her eyes lit up.


She starts to put on her demon slayer outfit.

"No, don't wear that!" I told her.

"Why?" She asked

"I want something that really makes you look like your soul. This is something that Uzui wants you to wear, not something that you want to wear. Wear something that makes you feel like yourself."

Music to My Ears (Demon Slayer KNY Zenitsu x y/n)Where stories live. Discover now