Chapter 43 I Love You

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(Y/n's perspective.)

When I woke up the next day, I felt much better. Zenitsu was still sleeping so I tried to get out of bed without waking him but he grabbed my hand softly and pouted at me when I tried to leave. Was he pretending to be asleep? I wonder how often he does that. I get back in bed with him and pull him close to me.

"Good morning, Mr. needy." I said jokingly.

"I wasn't trying to be needy. I just miss you when you leave!" He said in a whiny voice.

"I know, I was joking. I'm sorry." He laid on his back in between my legs with his head resting on my stomach. I started playing with his hair.

"Y/n chan?" Zenitsu said, "Am I ugly?"

I stopped what I was doing and looked him in the eyes.

"Who told you that?!" I asked

"No one..." Zenitsu said.

"Is this because of what that demon was telling you at the entertainment district?" I asked

He looked sad.

"Aw, Zenitsu, I will admit that you weren't the most flattering looking girl but you are the most handsome guy I know! I wouldn't tell you that all the time if I didn't mean it, you know."

"I mean, even when I'm not dressed up like a girl, don't you find my hair color a little weird? I would be happy to dye it if you want-"

I look at him seriously.

"Zenitsu, I love your hair more than anything. It was the first thing I noticed about you when I met you. If you feel like you will be happier with it dyed then I won't stop you but I love your hair more than anything." I Said to him

He blushes. "I don't understand... You were trained by Mr. Uzui, a hashira that is more powerful than you could imagine. All the ladies wanted him and he could lift anything. He's also gleaming with confidence. Why would you choose me y/n chan when I make you look like a fool?"

"Zenitsu, stop saying such negative things about yourself. You're perfect. Uzui may seem nice at first and he is. He really cares for his wives but he's just not my type, and he's kind of a narcissistic asshole. You, on the other hand, are ten times as caring and sweet. Your beauty is truly unique and you have the purest heart. That's everything I could hope for and more." I said to him, placing a kiss on his cheek.

He giggled and smiled at me. He booped me on my nose.

I started braiding his bangs like baby braids to pass the time. I'm so lucky.

Every day, I got more and more comfortable with people touching me again. The next morning I felt really good. I really wanted to garden so I went to Aoi. She said she needed to plant some stuff anyway and that she needed some stuff for lunch so she sent me out.

I put on some gloves and I got a shovel and started planting.

"Y/n chan!" Zenitsu said, "I've been looking for you! What are you doing?"

"I'm just planting stuff! I felt like I needed some sun!" I said

"I'll help!" He says picking up a shovel.

"I wouldn't if I were you." I said, "There are a lot of spiders and I know how you are about spiders so...."

"I'll be okay!" He responded and started planting.

I look over at him. "I wouldn't plant those two next to each other." I said to him, "That plant is an example of parasitism. It'll harm the other plant for its nutrients."

Music to My Ears (Demon Slayer KNY Zenitsu x y/n)Where stories live. Discover now