13 | Practice

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Wednesday, practice room.

The team performance was practicing and wearing their auditioning uniforms. The make up artist didn't really need to do much for Jimin and Minjeong since they both had already have high beauty standards. All of them were practicing, the instruments, the lighting, their vocals, their choreography. Jimin was told to sing her parts in another room to practice, same goes for Minjeong and other back up vocalists. "Alright, Karina. Show us what you got!" The director and other staff members cheered for Jimin as they expected something more higher than their expectations. Of course, Jimin did not fail them.

"That night was somehow warm
On my two cheeks with snowflakes falling, oh oh"

"Beautiful night"

"It's like turning back time"

"Christmas Dreamy Christmas"

"I remember what you left behind"

The staff were in love with Jimin's singing. Her tone was very good and they all were satisfied even if she had just sang half of the song. "Amazing! This'll be a hit." One of the staffs cheered. Jimin thanked them all in respect like she always do. "Okay, now... time for Kim Minjeong! Please enter." The director called out. Jimin wanted to listen to Minjeong sing aswell since it has been a long time. She had never doubted that the younger girl's talent had fade. Of course, Minjeong was nervous at first but she tried brushing it off and tell herself that it's okay.

"Your lips as light as a passing glance, oh
I still can't forget"

"Beautiful night"

"I remember you from that day"

"I hope you come visit me, oh"

"Christmas Dreamy Christmas"

"I remember what you left behind."

The director, the staff members, the entire crew setup were in awe. They were all speechless. Same goes for Jimin. "Was it... okay?" Minjeong asked nervously since everyone was quiet. "That was perfect! Giselle sure knows which people are good. You and me are best friends now, Minjeong-ah." The director exclaimed. Everyone cheered for her which made her shy. Jimin on the other hand wanted to cheer aswell, though things were a bit hectic. She remained quiet as she watched the one she love suffers in the attention of others. She sighed.


"So, how was practice?" Jaemin asked the two girls. "I heard the director noticed Winter's talent." Aeri butted in as she winked at Minjeong. "It's nothing big, really." The introverted girl declined that she was just offered to be the main vocalist. "Dude! You get to be the eye of the show. Come on, celebrate a bit!" Yeonjun wrapped his right arm around Minjeong's shoulder which made her uncomfortable but just let him be since his intention was to cheer her up by being friendly. "Don't worry, Unnie! You two are going to be a blast together." Ningning exclaimed. They all continued chatting, except for Minjeong and Jimin. They were both very much quiet. Perhaps it's because they both are sitting at the same table and didn't want to slip anything up, therefore they remain quiet and answer simple questions.

"You guys know that new guy right? He just joined today and he's already gaining lots of attention." Yeonjun whispered to all of them as they got closer to hear what he has to say. "Oh right, Sunghoon? He's really handsome." Yeji smirked as she daydreamed about him. "His voice is gentle too. I like him, no wonder everyone is on their knees for him." Aeri joined Yeji, the two daydreamed of marrying that man.

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