03 | Old Times

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I always thought that I would never get the chance to meet the Yu's again.

Yet, here I am.

Sitting across the dining table with them.

Chatting and laughing.

I was quiet most of the time, though I did answered some questions from Mr. Yu and Mrs. Yu. Sitting up straight, making eye contact, being formal.

It's like I act how I hadn't even met them before.

It's like I don't even know them anymore.

"It seems you've changed your style, Minjeong. Short hair really suits you." Mrs. Yu, as in Yu Ji-Yeon complimented me. I gave her a gentle smile, "Thank you, Mrs. Yu.". "Please, no need to be formal with us, Minjeong." Mr. Yu said with a smile on his face. My parents had always taught me the formalities. As the adults kept on chatting, me and Jimin-unnie kept quiet. It was awkward.

I kept on smiling and nodding. The Yu's knew I wasn't much of a talker, though my father seems to be signalling me to chat more with Jimin-unnie. My throat feels clogged, I can't even make eye contact with her. Why was this so awkward? The last time we saw each other was on good terms. Perhaps it is because we hadn't contacted with each other since.
My older brother and Jimin-unnie seems to get along well, chatting and talk about their interests.

Although, Jimin-unnie noticed I was struggling to make conversation. She spoke up first, "I suppose you're staying at Seoul permanently?" Her gaze seemed cold but her voice was calming. Her voice sounding much more mature and deeper since the last time I met her. I nodded, opening my mouth to reply to her question.


This is insane.

I can't believe the Kim's are in my household again. Mr. Kim, Mrs. Kim, Minjoon-oppa and...
Kim Minjeong.

I've been observing her from time to time as I chat along with the family. She seems to be under pressure with all the suddenness of attention. My parents have been showering her with compliments, saying how she grew up to be very beautiful, how she is very respectful and how her attitude had change the slightest. Usually, Minjeong wouldn't sit up straight since she rather sits in a more comfortable position and more. Though I don't buy it at all. I noticed her father giving her signals under the table or eye contact whenever she's too quiet or not interested in the conversation. Her older brother is very much like her but he doesn't mind having a chat from time to time. Minjeong is... more introverted.

I decided to ask her a question to make her father feel more at ease since he was getting frustrated from her not talking to me or making eye contact with me. "I suppose you're staying at Seoul permanently?" I asked with a calming tone. I see her nod, opening her mouth to answer my question "The areas here are very different from Busan, though it is quite nice and I do not mind a change once in a while.". My gaze softens as I heard her voice, her tone was gentle and quiet, though she tries her best to keep up due to her father listening to our conversation.

I smiled at her and gave her a nod of reassurance. "Well, I've noticed that Jimin is on the covers of modelling magazines. Please, do tell us the details of your modelling journey." Mr. Kim asked as he turned his head to look at me. Minjeong seemed a bit surprised from her eyes widening slightly and looked at her father with a hint of confusion. This was embarrassing. I laughed awkwardly. "It's nothing, really." "Oh it is something! Congratulations, Jimin." Mrs. Kim complimented me as the warm smile on her face grows.

"That's very much impressive. It must be hard dealing with work at an age like yours, going to high school and modelling at the same time. You have my respect." Minjoon complimented me aswell. I thanked everyone. Though I noticed Minjeong struggling to form up the words as her father kept on pressuring her by giving her looks to say something quick. "You have accomplished so much. That's amazing work that you've got going." Minjeong tries her best to keep up her formalities and smiled at me, though lacked eye contact. I nodded.


It was after dinner. The adults are in the living room, chatting about the past years that they hadn't been able to share face to face. Minjeong and Jimin were told to hang out like they used to in Jimin's bedroom. They both could not refuse due to Minjeong's father being strict on her and Jimin did not want to disappointed her parents into thinking she dislikes Minjeong. They both went upstairs together, Jimin leading the way towards her room, although Minjeong knew the mansion like the back of her hand. As they both entered, memories washed over them. The room changed a bit, the wallpaper, the sheets of the bed, the desk, the posters and much more. It seemed more neat and more mature, like a normal teenage room. It had changed so much that Minjeong realised time went on quite quickly.

"Your room is very well decorated." Minjeong tries to not be awkward about it, even though she rather stays quiet. Her fingers fidgeting. The older girl noticed the younger girl is fidgeting her fingers as a way to relieve anxiety or stress. Jimin of course had to take the lead, "Please, make yourselves a home. Just relax." She reassured Minjeong and opened her laptop that was on her bed. "Do you want to watch some movies? Maybe some K-drama series." Even though Jimin looked like she knew what she's doing, her heart was racing and she had no idea what she is doing. Minjeong just agreed with Jimin since she was older.

As they both sat on the bed beside together watching 'Our Beloved Summer', Minjeong couldn't help but noticed the scent of Jimin and the room. Minjeong enjoyed the scent, Jimin also noticed that Minjeong was starting to relax a bit. She decided to make some small talk while watching the show. "If you need anything at school, don't hesitate to come to me." Jimin spoke, she had been observing Minjeong for a couple of days at school and knew people had been bothering her. Minjeong blinked multiple times and nodded. This was awkward and embarrassing. The room was silent other than the sound of the show they were watching.

Though they both weren't even paying attention much to the show. Both of them thought about it, the last time they were in here. Thinking of it makes them both gulp. The show ended after a few more minutes and the next episode wasn't released yet, now they both didn't know what to do. The younger girl and the older girl just looked at multiple directions and tried to think of something to say.
Should they watch another show? Should they chat?
"I... noticed you had multiple friends at school." Finally, Minjeong spoke first. Her voice was much more quieter and soft since they were sitting next to each other. Jimin turned her head to look at Minjeong, paying her full attention at her.

"I could introduce you to them if you'd like." Jimin kept on staring at Minjeong. Though Minjeong could not make eye contact therefore, she looked down instead. Minjeong didn't really say anything after. Even though Jimin hadn't seen Minjeong for years, she still sees the younger Minjeong inside of her. "They're nice, I promise." She reassures as she tries to look at Minjeong's face. Her skin was smooth and soft, such a sight to see Jimin thought. After a few more moments Minjeong finally lifted her head to look at Jimin, "... They're too many." She spoke quietly again. It's true Jimin has a lot of friends due to her fame. Though Jimin had a close friend group that she thinks Minjeong would like.

"How about... two people first? Is that okay?" The older one asks as she waited patiently for the younger one's response. Minjeong nodded. Jimin smiles softly as her gaze softens once more, her eyes wandered to Minjeong's soft hair. "I'd never thought you'd look good with short hair" She compliments, "My mother was right.". Jimin's voice was different than before but calming. Minjeong wasn't good with compliments, therefore usually she'd get flustered. Jimin used to love teasing Minjeong just to get her reactions. Memories flooding through both of their minds. Thinking about old times, how it used to be.

Unexpectedly, as Jimin was looking at a different direction, she felt Minjeong slowly and gently laying her head on Jimin's shoulder. The older one did not react though her heart flutters.

'Gosh... Kim Minjeong, you're taking a toll on me.'

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