09 | Incident

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NOTE: hello ! thank you for being patient with the updates of this story. I deeply apologise if this chapter isn't to your liking. I hope all of you enjoy and would stay tune to the next chapter ! <3



The sun shines through the curtains, the birds chirping. I rubbed my eyes and searched around for Jimin. I was laying on her bed alone. I didn't remember much from last night, all I know is that we smoked weed. However... my neck feels a little swollen. I stood up and looked at the mirror, I was in shock. Hickeys on my neck, down to my collarbone. Did we go far? I can't remember anything else after the kiss. My wrists felt sore, I assume she pinned them down. I placed my hand on my forehead as I sighed softly. Trying to remain calm in a situation like this is making me overthink more. What if my father sees this? Though, as I try to recall what happened last night, my heart starts racing and my cheeks are flustered red.

I felt Jimin on top of me, pinning both of my wrists down and holding them tightly. My body felt cold but her hands were warm. Our lips met once again. I smelled like weed. Her gentle kisses went down from my lips to my collarbone, I've never done this before. I'm losing my composure. What would be the repercussions if I let her keep going? This was dangerous, we're both risking it. Losing all my senses when she pulls me closer and closer. I want her scent all over me.

I looked for something to cover my exposed hickeys. I wore one of Jimin's jackets due to them being larger than mine. I exited the bedroom and went downstairs, seeing my parents and Jimin's parents chatting. Jimin was also eating breakfast. "Minjeong! You're awake. Come, eat with us." Mr. Chul invited me to sit down with them. Of course, I had accepted. I sat down across Jimin, I can tell she was avoiding me. I wouldn't blame her. Things got awkward with us again.



I've reread almost all of my books and I'm getting bored. I sighed as I looked out the window, closing my book. I try to distract myself by reading but it doesn't seem to work. Maybe I should head to the bookstore, I searched the nearest bookstore and it was a seven minute walk. I got up from my bed and tied my hair. I exited my house and started walking until I reach my destination.


I've reached my destination and entered the bookstore, 'The Inside Within' I liked the name. I saw Aeri's father at the counter and the line was long. I guess I'll be reading here then. I went towards the Novel section first. Walking slowly as I scanned for books that would have my interests, there was one called 'Love in the Big City'. I picked that one out and picked more books at the poetry section. I took a seat at the corner since I disliked being the public. I opened one of the books and started reading them.

A couple of minutes passed already. I enjoyed my sweet time. Suddenly, someone pulled the chair across me and sat down. I didn't bother to look up. Why did they specifically choose to sit here instead of those extra seats close towards the exit? This was ruining my mood, until I heard them talk "Got a lot of books there, Winter." It was Aeri. I lifted my head to look at her. "Ah... Aeri-Unnie."

"What's up?" She leaned against her chair.

"Not much."

"You look like you've got much."

I let out a soft giggle. Aeri really knows how people are feeling just by their body language, huh.

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