ALDC Murder Mystery

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Chapter 11
Kendall's POV
My mouth drops and my eyes bulge open. I watch as Brooke is handcuffed and dragged away, screaming that Chloe is the real murderer. Most people would say oh well, it's not my problem. She's probably lying. She could be lying. Most people just say that. I wouldn't care. I wanted to be like most people. But I had a feeling in my gut, that Brook's telling the truth. Chloe's lying. Chloe's the killer. And strangely, I listen to my gut. I run strait to the office, all of the officers there. I burst through the door, to see the officer and Chloe shaking hands and talking so I can't hear it. "Nobody move, the murderers not who you think it is officer." I scream making Chloe jump back. The lucifer chuckles, and motions for me to sit and for Chloe to 'run along'. "So tell me Ms. Vertes, who is the murderer?" He asks, reaching for his cup. "Chloe" I spit out. He bursts out laughing. "Don't be ridiculous! Chloe? She wouldn't! Where's your evidence? Your proof? Without it we half to stick with Brooke being our killer!" He laughs. "Well, first off, Paige who was killed last night, her best friend EVER, her Twinnie. So if I think Chloe wasn't the killer, she'd be having a whole mental breakdown, meltdown, and be falling apart." I start. he nods, and scribbled something down. "Thats a good point." he mutters. I continue. I tell him everything. All the reasons how everything points towards Chloe. I finally stop, and he drops his pen, multiple pages full of notes. "Looks like we found our real killer." He tells. I smile, proud to have finished this off. Now, all that's left is Chloe.

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