ALDC Murder Mystery

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Chapter 6
Kendall's POV
We all screamed in terror. Sometimes in this building, maybe even this room, is a murderer. I need to survive this. Trust no one. Don't even trust mom. Don't trust the police. Just tell them your side of the story, and nothing else. No trust. That's the final thing. Finally, all the moms, Abby, and the police burst through the door. "What happe-" all fingers point to Maddie. Everything goes silent. Tears are silently shed for a few minutes. Finally reality hits Melissa. She coaches to her knees, tears streaming down her face. Mackenzie in her lap, letting it all out. Holly, being supportive, even through her tragedy. The police already are dusting for fingerprints, scanning the room, everything. It's a nightmare. "Kendall is doing all of this probably." this strange voice whispers again. Everyone looks around, wondering who it was. It wasn't me. I couldn't. All I know is we need to figure out who could do this.

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