Chapter 20

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Shinobu Kocho's POV

I was lying down in my bed, it was already 11 pm, and the boys said that they were out for a drink so I didn't bother calling them. I took out my phone and scrolled down the comment section of their latest video where they revealed themselves. It suddenly started raining harshly. I was supposed to keep down my phone but I didn't feel like it

Ever since I signed up for the movie, something felt wrong, I felt wrong. I don't know why or where I went wrong. What was wrong? My heart ached whenever I heard something about my relationship with Giyuu San... Something going to happen...

I heard a knock on the door, it must be Mitsuri since no one else was home

"Shino? You asleep?"

"Nope" I felt Mitsuri coming closer and sitting on the bed, I sat up and laid my head on her shoulders

"Couldn't sleep due to the rain"

"Can't sleep because something is bothering me... Don't ask me what it is, I don't know"

"That's weird, are you sick?"

"No... It's just... Do you think me and Giyuu San are having a healthy relationship?" what am I saying? Of course, we have a healthy relationship, we were both happy

"What do you mean?"

"I-I don't know..." I felt hot tears forming in my eyes and soon rolling down my cheeks... Why am I crying?

"Did something happen between you guys?"


"You are overreacting, just sleep" She brought her hand to the top of my hand and started brushing them... Everything around me soon went dark... Everything was fading away...


"Wake Up! You have shooting today!" huh? Was it morning already...? I felt someone grab me by the arm and drag me out of bed, must be Mitsuri

I rubbed my eyes open adjusting to the sunlight around me.

"What time is it?"

"9:45 am! Shooting is in half an hour!"

"Oh shit-"

"You are late today Shinobu San!"

"I'm so sorry! And I've overslept" I kept down my bag and was going to my room when I felt Douma stop me by the hand

"Don't worry! Ryo is sick so he won't come today, which means shooting is after 3"

"Oh come on!"

"Let's go get something to eat shall we?" I nodded as we went out of the building. I heard Tengen fussing about the Upper Moons revealing their identities. Maybe I should ask them?

"Douma San, did you hear about the reveal of the Hashira's identity?"

"Oh yeah, it was pretty viral, many fans say that they looked better than us haha"

"Who do you think revealed it?"

"Do you think we did Shinobu San?" as much as I didn't want to make it obvious...

"Not really, you guys are close to them and we trust you guys" Douma gave me a wide smile, we reached a cafe and he opened the door for me

"Ladies first~" I just laughed as I got in, we took a seat close to the counter and a young girl came to us to take our order

"I'll have a croissant filled with Chocolate"

"A Lattee?" I ordered, the girl bowed at us and went back to the counter

"Douma San, are you single?" what the fuck-

"Eh? Yeah why?"


"You asked me for no reason?"

"I feel like something going wrong in mine and Giyuu San's relationship..."

"What do you mean?"


"Ahh yes, Nao Nakamura, but don't worry Shinobu San! Giyuu San still loves you" I can't believe Giyuu San is fussing over him, he has no interest in me

"I feel like our relationship with break out"

"You are overthinking, I don't think Giyuu will let that happen"

The girl who took our order came to us with our plates

"Thank you" She smiled again and quickly left our table

We had our snack in peace until I noticed how everyone's eyes were glued to something from the door

I turned around to see Nao walk in, she wore clothes that made her look like a model. Two teenagers ran to her asking for her autograph, she smiled as she signed their papers. I turned my face away from her hoping that she won't notice me but it was just a hope...

"Shinobu San!" fuck... I heard footsteps walking to our table, Nao took a chair from the other table and sat next to me. "Don't tell me that you don't recognise me"

Why is she acting like nothing happened? She threatened my life when she released that Giyuu san was dating me...

"Why hello there Nao"

"Hmm... What should I get? Oh well, since I'm here, I'll pay for both of your" I was not in the mood to play nice and pay so yeah let her go on. I quickly finished my snack before Nao could order

"Well then, I'll be taking my leave. Catch you guys later" I don't know if Douma san will pay for it, maybe I could ask him later but not now. I was walking back to our apartment when I felt a tap on my shoulders

"Giyuu San?"

"No shooting today?"

"Ryo San is not well so shooting is after 3," I noticed the bags of groceries with him so I helped him by taking one but he turned it down

"Don't want you working right now"

"You are spoiling me ya know?"

"Let me spoil you when I can"

Author's Note

Sneak peek of my upcoming book 😌✨

Giyuu Tomioka and Shinobu Kocho have been dating for the past 4 years but in secret, it was even hidden from their parents. They were planning to reveal their relationship to everyone but before they could, something unexpected happened... Shinobu was pregnant...

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