c h a p t e r ♕ s i x t e e n

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My stomach twist and turned in knots as i walked barefoot along the street that lead up to the party. I could see Leo and Mr. Romano standing outside waiting for me.

"Get over here now Francesca." Leo spits as i walk up slowly

"I'm coming." i bite back.

I can see Gemma and Vivienne standing timidly behind Mr. Romano. Their apologetic looks do nothing to ease my anxiety. This isn't their fault. I know that, but it doesn't help me from having to face the music.

"What the hell were you thinking!?" Mr. Romano angrily asks me.

I shrug my shoulders. "I wasn't i guess."

"When your father hears about this-" He points his finger in my face. My brother steps between us, eyeing down the 5'6 man. Though Mr. Romano was built, he was nothing compared to Leo who was only fourteen.

"He will never hear about this." Leo states firmly eyeing down Romano and the two of fathers men standing beside him.

"You're kidding me right?" Romano contorts his face into disbelief, looking at me disgusted.

"How would my father react knowing three of his best men, let his little girl escape into the night all by herself?" Leo snaps, looking down on each of the men.

I can tell the men are reluctant to agree. "Okay." Mr, Romano finally gives in. "But she better still be pure. There better not come a time in 9 months when i have to explain myself." He stares me down.

"DAD!" Gemma yells at him. He shoots her a look causing her to bow her gaze to the ground.

"Define pure?" I bluff, narrowing my eyes at him.

His jaw hangs down, practically brushing against the ground. I can hear Gemma and Vivi giggle behind him making me smile.

"Come on, Fran." Leo grabs me by the arm and drags me behind him.

We walk a few blocks in silence. In all honestly i'm afraid to say anything. After tonight i wouldn't be surprised if Leo never trusted me again. I threw his deepest darkest secret right in his face, with no regret. Am i horrible person?

"I was scared." He says looking down at the rock he kicks along the street.

"Why?" i ask

"Because no one could find you." He looks up at me. It's like staring into a mirror. My sweet baby brother, grown up into an almost made man.

"i'm sorry Leo. I should have never." I shake my head, forcing the lump in my throat down.

"As soon as i saw the looks on Gemma and Viviennes faces, i knew exactly where you were." He rolls his eyes.

"I couldn't stay away. i tried." i bite my lip. I know i shouldn't be telling my brother this but it was hard not to. Him and i were so close growing up, but he was almost official. Once he was initiated all his loyalty would lie with the mafia, not me.

"You like him?" He asks, shoving his shoulder into mine.

"Yeah, it'll never work though. Father will never let me marry him." I run my hands through my hair, breathing out a long sigh.

"No. He won't." he says coldly. "But I think you should hold onto love where you find it..." He smiles softly.

I nod, returning the smile. "You know, for being a baby brother, you are wise beyond your years."

"Yeah, yeah i know." He smiles at the ground. "But Fran... don't... just don't give away what you're not ready to... Some day you'll be married and i don't want you to regret anything. Be smart." He says softly.

"I will Leo i promise." I snake my arm into his, leaning my head against his shoulder. A few moments pass us by.

"How did you find Toms phone number anyways?" i question.

His gaze shoots towards me instantly. He reads my expression studying every inch of my face, worriedly. "You don't remember, do you?"

"Remember what?" I ask, my brows deeply furrowing.

"Fran... that night last summer... Kaulitz sold me the pills." He explains to me softly.

My stomach turns. I feel like throwing up.

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