1000 reads special

428 19 6

thank you so much for 1k reads!!!! I appreciate this so much so I made some little scenarios and memes for the 1k special


Y/n: Umm there's no where else to sit

Zoro: You can sit here

Y/n: But that's your lap?

Zoro: Exactly


Tall people

Random person: how tall are you?

Brook: 9 foot

Short people

Random person: how tall are you

Chopper looks directly up at them

Chopper: I am 2 foot 11 inches and 3 quarters I will destroy you


Y/n pulls a chip out of her bra and eats it

Ace: Did you just pull a chip out of your bra?

Y/n: yeah you want one?

Ace stares at her for a minute


Eats it from her hand


Y/n: I can't find it (Throwing stuff out of her closet)

Nami: what are you looking for?

Y/n: my happiness


Chopper: mom theirs a monster under my bed

Y/n: son enjoy it while it lasts because if you get married the monster will be sleeping in your bed


Y/n reading the box of batteries

Y/n: Aa

Y/n: AAa

Y/n chuckles a little: AAAA!


Robin: Hey what did you guys get for number 12

Y/n: I got 18
(The one who got it right)

Zoro: I got 1.5

Luffy: I got Abraham Lincoln.. for some reason


Y/n who broke in one the warlord meeting: theirs one thing worse then a rapist

Pulls of paper
Y/n: Boom

Doflamingo: A child

Boa: No-


Ace: so basically what I was thinking um

Akainu donuts him

Ace: oh fuck I can't believe you've done this

(Sorry bout this one ☝️)


Y/n: get to del taco they got a new thing called FR E SH A VOCA DO

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