(7) Arriving in yuba

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"y/n get off of the camel we all know your not asleep!" Nami yelled and hit the back of y/n's head causing her to fall off of the camel into the sand

"ow... Are we their yet though?" Y/n said she was bummed about getting caught pretending to sleep know she has to walk as well she was just hoping it wasn't to long of a walk left

"We are getting closer" Vivi said to y/n
Y/n just nodded in acknowledgement and smiled at her words she was glad she didn't have to walk that far

Now don't get me wrong y/n was extremely strong and could very much so walk through the desert and back if she wanted to
But here's the catch she's lazy and why walk when you can have Sanji carry you (She doesn't have to ask whenever she starts sweating slightly Sanji picks her up and walks for her)

I guess that's one advantage of being cursed

You can get pretty much anyone to do anything for you

Yet y/n couldn't use anybody especially when she's been being used half of her life as well

"y/n are you okay you're bleeding?" Luffy asked causing y/n to snap out of her deep thought.

"Ah sorry I ran into a cactus while we where walking and I didn't want us to stop or bring to much attention to myself..." y/n mumbled half lying, the full truth was she ran into a cactus didn't feel it then kept walking because she didn't feel it.

Luffy nodded sightly at the woman who was bleeding from the arm before sneakily walking to get chopper so he could patch it up

"AHH ARE YOU OK Y/N-CHAN!" Sanji yelled when he saw my slightly bloodied figure

"Yea Sanji I'm fine" I said while chopper was cleaning my injury's

"if you want I can carry you the rest of the way belladonna~!" Sanji said while doing his noodle dance thingy

I hit up and a smug smirk plastered across my face as I came up with a plan to no longer have walk

"Yeah Sanji please do carry me my legs hurt and that cactus did a real number on me" I said with puppy eyes making him give in he turned red hot like a tomato and picked me up bridal style

"Thank you Sanji~" I said making sure to say it in a way that would make him fawn some more

One point for me I no longer have to walk this long walk I smirked feeling accomplished

Oh boy was y/n making a mistake the simple touch of her hands going around his neck made him fawn alright and so did the puppy dog eyes and the irresistible voice he was more than fawning over you he was obsessed he never wanted to put her down ever again

Sanji had never once felt this way about a woman sure he's a gentleman and a simp but y/n was different to him

This little (Huge) crush Sanji has is going to be a issue for y/n in the future and yet she is still in his arms not realizing the effect she has on him and almost all of the other strawhats


Where here! We finally got to yuba

Y/n was carried half the way their though by Sanji even when she wanted down Sanji the stubborn idiot would not listen to her one single but he was to focused on simping

Finally y/n wacked him across the face and got down

When y/n looked at yuba she was shocked to see it covered in sand

Before y/n could say something Vivi hugged her as a form of comfort then walked to the sand covered city

Y/n coughed a few times as sand got in her mouth "Blegh sand"

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