(6) Adventures in the desert

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"So what's with all the hills? I was expecting a desert to be more flat" Ussop asked while we were waking through the desert


"this is a very old desert some of the sand dunes here are over 900 feet high" Vivi said

"900 feet oh my God that's ugh that's a mountain!" Ussop said while panting he was clearly struggling with this hike and luffy was also panting

"So.. Hot... Water.." Luffy said

"just one drink, luffy. Just one mouthful." Nami said to luffy  and luffy stuffed his cheeks with it then nami and Ussop hit his head

"DONT DRINK SO MUCH" they yelled in sink I was ahead of the rest I had like 3 naps earlier now I'm way to energized




"Um.." I looked around "Where am i?" Yikes I think I went to far ahead and I don't have any water or for I'm gonna die of thirstation wait that's not even a thing

I guess I'll just go forward and sit somewhere and hope they find me...




"Hey it's getting dark out let's go find some place to sleep" Vivi suggested

We walked a few miles forward

"Shit.." I mudder "Where's y/n?"

We walked forward some more in hope to find her and... we did she was sleeping on some rocks that's got to be uncomfortable

Ace sat next to her and started a fire

"I guess we will stay here tonight.." nami mumbled




I woke up because I heard yelling about food I looked to my left and saw ace laying his head on my shoulder I smiled a little he noticed a I was awake I think because he started blushing like a mad man and apologizing

"it's fine ace you can sleep by me I don't mind" I said I don't know how but I'm still tired I just watched the strawhats being cute like chopper luffy and Ussop cuddling don't be fooled though because five minutes before that luffy was fighting for more food

I heard ace snoring I looked to my left again and saw him back asleep I smiled and also went back to sleep

When I woke up I was in a pile of sand I looked around and I couldn't see the crew maybe I got swept away by the sand I sat up brushing the sand off of my clothes I started wondering until I found a cactus with a fruit on it

I was starving

But I wasn't that hungry I wasn't going to eat a random fruit I new nothing of in a country I new hardly anything of would I?


Yeah I take that back I chowed that thing down it tasted absolutely disgusting though I almost gagged the fruit was growing of off a random tree it was the only tree eye could see the fruit had a strange pattern on it which looked like swirls

I didn't pay much mind to the design of it after all I was hungry

Ugh I've been wandering for hours on end and my stomach is just getting emptier and empire the more I walk

I'm so tired


" is that y/n!" Vivi yelped as she ran towards
Y/N's past out figure in the sand they had just left the sand pirates and the fake rebals y/n had been passed out for a solid day walking strained her energy and eating that strange fruit didn't help her get it back.

Chopper ran up to y/n and started treating her then sense they couldn't afford to lose daylight (Even if chopper would rather go in the night) they put y/n on eyelashes back and set of to yuba

Y/n woke up half way through to the trip there but pretended to be asleep while listening in on there conversations she just didn't want to walk after all she had been walking for hours and hours the day before

Ace also noticed y/n was awake. Y/n noticed that he new as well because of observation haki ace was staring at her every chance he got also when they stopped to take breaks ace would take her of the camel and lay her down next to him and they would whisper to each other so no one else caught on the the fact y/n was awake

Ace liked it like that

Ace liked being the only on y/n could rely on


Sorry for the short chapter I just really wanted to get something posted and I was really tired I just had a huge surgery

The chapters after this will be longer I just needed to post

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