(5) Erumala

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We got off the ship and ran into little cute creatures we have been sailing for a solid few hours now we made a stop a bit back for Vivi to give Karu a mission sending a letter to the king I belive 

Ussop attempted to challenge the little creatures but they didn't seem to tolerate that so they beat Ussop up they seem extremely tuff

Soon after luffy fought them wich turns out was a bad idea because then they followed him around for a solid hour until chopper bribed them then we started on our way walking

Every few minutes luffy asked 'Are we their yet' missing in the occasional 'I'm so hungry' or it's so hot he was definitely the one complaining the most but I didn't mind it I found it hilarious

Plus I was complaining to so I have no room to complain heh

When we stoped at erumalu the city seemed completely barren it was so empty I looked over to a Vivi I guarantee she's really upset right now

"So is this Yuba" luffy asked

"No this is erumala.. it used to be known as the city of green" she said cleey safe d I mean I would be to I held onto her hand as a way of comforting her she smiled slightly then looked back at the city in shambles and frowned

"The sight of this town explains everything"

"You said that your country is on the verge of Civil War?" I looked at Vivi and held her hand tighter.
"This is what the Baroque Works organization has done to this country. What the people of Alabasta are going through..."

"Yes. It's a ghost town now, but up until just recently, it was a thriving city full of greenery!" said Vivi.

"This place was?" Said Zoro, kicking one of the trees

"Rain was always scarce, but even so, the city was able to manage by saving every last drop of rainwater it could. But for three years now, not a single drop of rain has fallen in any part of this country" Vivi sad sad sadly as she tightened the grasp she had on my hand

"I wonder how something like that could be happening it makes no sense after all.." I said

"Maybe there's a way that Crocodile has something to do the issue of this country no raining for over three years" I mumbled

"Even without rain, what about the river we just crossed?" asked Zoro.

"Yeah! Couldn't they just pipe water from that big river?" Ussop said to vivi

"The answer to that is up ahead" she said and walked up a bit

"Never in the thousands of years Alabasta's history has the rain stopped completely. But, there was one place where the rain fell more than usual.. Alubarna, the capital. The city with the kings palace.." Vivi said

Vivi continued her story by explaining that one day, the citizens found out from a merchandise Dance powder, and you nearly scoffed.
"You know that?" asked Luffy to the navigator.
"Yes. It's also known as 'Rain-Summoning Powder'. A researcher in a country where it doesn't rain created it. By creating a misty smoke from it and letting it rise into the sky, you can artificially cause it to rain" told Nami.

I zoned out for a few minutes of there talking I was brought back in when I heard "I ate that!" From luffy

"Moron, it isn't food It's for making rain" zoro said

"What?! You think I'm lying, don't you?! Hey you!" shouted angrily Luffy, swinging his arms in every direction.
"I never said you were lying"

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