Chapter 20

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Abhimanyu narrated the entire history from his childhood to yesterday's birthday party to Ragini who patiently listened to everything. Once he's done, once he poured his heart to Ragini whom he barely knew, Abhimanyu released a sigh of relief and felt an unknown sense of hope....why? he didn't knew. He badly need someone who could here him out without their own perspectives and prejudice fortunately it happened to be Ragini.

Ragini on hearing Abhimanyu's story felt all kinds of emotions pity, concern, anger, frustration etc. She gave few moments for Abhimanyu to recover. After a while she spoke.....if ur ok with it can I involve myself and discuss about ur life?

Abhimanyu nodded in yes. Once Abhimanyu gave his consent Ragini spoke.....Let's start with ur mother.......Even if it hurts let me clear it u.....ur mother is a sly fox, she is neither innocent nor victim infact she is very much capable of achieving what she wants by any means....she knew she holds zero value, affection and relation with ur father, but still she wanted to be in his wife for that she didn't even mind ruining ur childhood. So stop victimizing and protecting ur mother....she clearly knew what she is into. 

Abhimanyu didn't know what to say, he's just blank. He tried to remise his childhood happy moments and all he could remember is his mothers' crying face and her self pity words. 

And coming to ur wife's sister. Ur partially responsible for her bitterness Abhimanyu. U gave her hope and later shattered it.....said Ragini. Abhimanyu whipped his head towards Ragini not confused. I..I...I'm responsible to Aarohi's bitterness?...questioned Abhimanyu.

U r Abhimanyu at one point of time u did gaslight Aarohi when ur equally wrong at ur end. Take for example....u consented a marriage with her when u clearly knew that u can never give the rights or love she should get as ur wife....said Ragini.

She clearly knew that I love Akshu, but still she is ok being my wife, all she wanted is her superiority, she just wanted to use me to achieve what she desires for......said Abhimanyu.

So did u Abhimanyu, u used her to make Akshara jealous, so that she will express her love towards u.....didn't u? questioned Ragini.

Abhimanyu some marry for love, some for power, some for status....everyone one have their own reasons Abhimanyu....U just to wipe ur mother's tears, while she for her dreams. Both are right at ur own place as well as wrong.

Abhimanyu sat in silence digesting the facts. Ragini continued about his role as a husband to Akshara. 

U know Abhimanyu the pittiest of all relations in ur life is ur marriage with Akshara...the husband and wife relation of u and ur wife. Till date the sole reason for ur broken marriage is.....u both prioritizing ur families, their problems, their feelings, solving their issues over ur marriage. Arey the early days of marriage many couples spend time understanding their partners and the new relations assosiated with them....but u guys spent on solving ur mothers lies, secrets, sister's death her secrets all this where is ur marriage Abhimanyu...the marriage, the love u fought with all ur being. 

U invested soo much for all ur it reciprocated the same....After solving ur brother's paternity truth, after supporting ur mother in her emotions....did ur mother took an initiative to solve the aire between u and ur wife? doesn't she as a mother had a responisibilty to make things right which got ruined because of her silence? *is ur brother and his happiness only mattered to her not urs?.....questioned Ragini.

Not only u Abhimanyu, ur wife is also the female version of u when it came to families. Both are emotional, impulsive, stubborn and walk overs...

Abhimanyu looked at Ragini.....walkovers?......yes Abhimanyu u both are walkovers u let others opinions, judgements, tears, emotions let rule ur lives....ur destructive marriage is the result of it.

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