Chapter 8

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Time slugged forward slowly, taking it's time. Day's past and still my father would not allow us home, there was a lot of clearing up to do in the wake of my mess. I kept a watchful eye on Hayley at all times, terrified of anything hurting her again. But the more I dwelled on this the more I realised just how fragile she was. Vulnerable in the extreme, she could drown, choke, overdose, burn, be knocked down, get seriously ill, electrocuted, stabbed, strangled, shot. Anything and everything could hurt my Hayley, and I would be powerless to stop it.

But the risks of the elven world were to high to whisk her away.

That was why we had to be human, not the other way around. I only wished I could still be strong, and fast, quick thinking and durable. I lost a little more of that everyday, my old self. Hayley saw that, it worried her, I knew. But I couldn't do anything about that, I had new priorities now, and her welfare topped the list.

I was laying on the sofa, Hayley curled into my side her head on my chest, when Rafe called for help making dinner that early may day. I eased out from underneath her, smoothing her fly away hair out of her eyes and behind her ear. She stirred beneath my fingers, frowning in her sleep and then rolled into the warm patch I’d left behind. Charming, even whilst unconscious..

I pressed my lips tip her cheek bone, brushed my fingers over her pale, translucently clear skin once more and made my way toward the kitchen.

Rafe was clattering about with pans, I frowned, if he was any louder he would wake her.

“She's sleeping.” I informed him, hoping he would take my hint.

He huffed a laugh and handed me a sack of potatoes. “Clean and peel these. We're having stew.”

I sighed, raked a hand through my hair and got stuck in.

Rafe closed the door, to my relief, and tried to strike up a conversation.

I wasn't in the mood for talking, I was too busy thinking of what Hayley and I would have been doing at the very moment if I hadn't of crashed the car.

I would have just picked her up from college, she would be watching TV whilst I made her dinner,as I was the better cook. After we had eaten I would sit with her until she grew tired, and in the time between when she went to get change and when she got into bed I would take a brief look through all the photos I had taken that day.

I hadn't given up on that idea yet, I was going to get into it more when we were allowed home. Whilst Hayley was out at college I would take the car and chase down shots. For any job I could be commissioned for.

Hayleys phone vibrated in my pocket making me jump and run the potato peeler up my index finger. A reel of bloody skin fell into the water. I cursed, now I would have to start all over again!

I threw the peeler and the potato I was working on into the sink in exasperation and scrabbled for the phone with my good hand.

Joel was calling.

I growled down the phone. “What?”

There was a pause and when he finally spoke his voice sounded strange, tight somehow as though he were holding back. “Isn't this Hayley's phone?”

“She's sleeping.” I snarled and peered at my now scarlet hand.

A hiss from behind me alerted me to the fact that Rafe had seen the wound just as a tea towel came down on it form over my shoulder. I turned to face him and ushered my hand toward him, let him deal with it.

As he went about pulling it tighter Joel spoke again.

“Could you wake her?” He wheedled.


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