The portal -CHAP5- Off to a bad start

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Leader and Alex set off to find the portal to get her back home.

"The other creatures aren't coming?" asked Alex. "No, I am the only one who do things properly!" Leader replied. "Huh? you are saying that you are the smartest of these creatures?" said Alex again. "Yes!" said Leader.

 Alex hoped that if Leader thought he was so smart, he would know where to go to get to the portal. Suddenly they came to a cave and Leader started to feel more unsure about where they were.

"so?" said Alex, "Are we going in here?" "(Er... where do we go again?)" Leader thought to himself.

Alex was a bit confused "Where are we anyway? in a forest or somewhere like that?" "yeah, we're in a forest but i think we should go into this cave" Leader said. "What do you mean you 'think'?" questioned Alex. "No!" Leader shouted, "I AM sure we DO go in here!" They went into the dark gloomy cave with small rocks scattered around the ground.

 "Watch your step!" said Leader cautiously. "I can't see a thing! i hope i don't bump into the wall!" shouted Alex as she was trying to find Leader in the darkness. "I don't think this was a good idea after all!" she added.

As they tried to navigate their way though the cave, Alex found Leader and followed him to try and find an exit, but what she didn't know is that he too was wandering where to go.

"Leader?" asked Alex, "Do anymore creatures live in these caves?" "I don't think so" Leader said.

"Again you only 'think' so!" Exclaimed Alex, "Do you even know where we're going?

"Don't worrry! we'll find our way out!" said Leader, trying to speak in a light voice.

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