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Hello, lovely folks of the CBC!

Thank you all for a wonderful first week here at the Chicklit Book Club. As we expected, we've been ironing out some kinks and answering questions that we didn't cover at first. We have gone back and changed the Rule Book for new members, but we thought that we'd post a brief update to these changes in a new chapter for those of you who have been with us right from the start.

We know the Rule Book is a well-written gem, but maybe you don't need to actually re-read the whole thing.

So, without further blather-ado, here are some clarifications and changes to the CBC:

1. We got a perm and it's fabulous.

2. On the excellent advice of EliciaHyder we've decided to incorporate a permanent question regarding editorial changes into the session. From now on featured authors will write four questions, and the fifth will be predetermined. It's fascinating, check it out:

How can I (the author) make this story better?

eL. has very kindly written a chapter for the Rule Book about this (following this one). PLEASE read, vote and comment, as with all other Rule Book chapters :)

3. Because we're incorporating editorial suggestions into the sessions, we encourage you to include comments to that effect on the Review Book, rather than on the featured author's work. You are welcome to PM the featured author your comments and line edits, as well. 

For the purposes of the book club, the comments you leave on the featured work are about visibility and general feedback. If you're a great editor, we encourage you to reach out to the featured author you're reading and let them know about your eagle eyes. Lucyface and greatblueheron became friends when one of them started pointing out typos. (We'll leave you to guess who was culpable of what.)

4. When we stipulated a five chapter mandatory minimum per session, we didn't clarify what to do about pesky prologues, author's notes, and macaroni art. Prologues and other chapters that contain direct/related story content DO count towards the 'five' (although you are always welcome to read on!). Non-related content, like Epigraphs, Dedications, Author's Notes, etc. DO NOT COUNT.

- Ara & Lucy x

p.s. If you find someone who did create macaroni art, notify Ara immediately.


As usual, to confirm that you have read the contents of this chapter, and understand and agree to its contents, please vote on this chapter (press that little star) and comment with the best (or worst) hairstyle you've even rocked!


CBC: The Little Book of Red Tape (a.k.a. The Rule Book)Where stories live. Discover now