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      So.......sorry about that sucky ending, I just wanted to finish this story, I realized there was no real plot like....at all. It was all just some random crap, the only gist was that they went to 1878 and met this race called Shadowhunters and just yeah. I mean I don't think this whole story sucked.....it just had no big plot to follow. So, yeah I ended it really abruptly and that probably makes the end terrible. I wrote the last 3 chapters in one night so I could hurry and finish so sorry about that, but hey at least I gave you guys a bit of closure. How did you guys feel about Rose naming their daughter after Gwyneth from series 1 episode 3 and Sarah Jane? So, I will be writing another DW fanfic soon, but it will be based around River Song and the Eleventh Doctor. I've been dying to write about them! I just wanted to wait til I finished this fanfic. I don't know when this will happen though so just gimme time because I'll have it eventually. And I promise the next one with have a solid plot line....I hope. Anyways, I've held off doing Author's notes cuz I don't want them getting in the way of the story but since this is the end, WHAT THE HELL, I'll be putting A/N's at the end of all my stories.....if I actually ever finish anything mg else, hope that's alright with you guys. So anyways sorry about the sucky ending, new DW fanfic coming up, aaaaand......yeah, that's it.

          ~The Shitty Author Who Apparently Can't Make A Decent Plot Line

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