So-Called Nephilim

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             Charlotte and Tessa look confused by the statement, but they ignore it for now. "How do you know of the Nephilim," Charlotte inquires. "Ran into your kind once. A very long time ago," he says, somewhat bitterly. "So, you were trying to inquire about some unusual information?" She asks. "Yes, have you all been working on something new? Something that could change the entire Shadow world?" Her face turned puzzled,"How did you know about that?" "I didn't," he smiled smugly. I laughed at him, I could practically hear the adoration in my laugh. He looked.back over at me smiling, then looked down at my dress, seeming to realize I was still wearing it. "I told you, you fancied me in this dress," I murmured. He just smiled, but didn't deny it. Charlotte and Tessa just looked at us, I looked down my face flushing a bright shade of pink, and of course the Doctor noticed. He laughed again and grabbed my chin between his index finger and thumb. "My pink and yellow girl," he murmured, tilting my face up to meet his eyes. Our eyes met and it was like all of time and space disappeared around us. I held his eyes for a moment, before I heard Charlotte clear her throat. He removed his hand from my face and quickly shifted back into business mode. "So what have the Nephilim been working on?" She just sighed,"It's not necessarily the Nephilim as a whole. It's just my husband, Henry." "Well can you tell me what he's working on?" She sighed,"I guess, since it's not that much of a secret. He's working on creating a portal. So we can go back and forth between the Glass City and multiple Institutes. He's quite brilliant." The Doctor's face went white,"So that's why the Tardis was pulled off course." "The what?" Tessa asked inquisitively. "Nothing," the Doctor and I say in unison. "Um, can you give Rose and I a moment," the Doctor asks. "Sure," they smile politely, getting up to leave the room. Once they were through the double doors, the Doctor began to pace. "What's going on? Nephilim?" "Okay," he says beginning to explain,"the Nephilim believe they are descended from angels, when in reality that's not true." "Well then who are they descended from?" "Aliens. A race called the Seraphim. That's where humans get their concept of angels from. They came into contact with this race around the year 1234, but only long enough to create offspring, the Nephilim. The Seraphim were aliens with wings, but relatively human looking." I shook my head from all the new information. "Anyways, before they left them, they gave them three objects that could be used to summon them back; a mirror, a sword, and a cup. Combined, they will create a distress signal, and the Seraphim said to only use them in a time of great distress. They can only be used once, though. But the mirror was lost, been lost for hundreds of years. They also left them with something called a stele and a book with their language. Their language, written with a stele, can cause extraordinary reactions. What drew us here was a massive use of Seraphim technology and that drew the Tardis off course. Particularly, Charlotte's husband, Henry trying to create a portal. Well that's what they call it, in reality it's a teleport." I sat down,"So what you're saying is these people are half alien....and they don't even know it? And they're using alien technology?" He just nodded his head. I dropped my head between my knees, and tried to absorb all this new information. "You alright?" "Yeah, yeah I'm fine. I just can't believe all this. I mean I believe it, it's just...." "Just what," he said sitting down beside me, and wrapping both my hands in his. "It's just, this. All of this. They don't even know, they don't even understand what they are....they think they're part angels." I said, in exasperation. I looked up, and saw Tessa standing in the doorway, but I was just too out of it to even pull my hands away from the Doctor. "What're you guys talking about? Are you okay, Rose" "Mmm, yeah. Just really tired, and we weren't talking about anything." I lay my head on the Doctor's shoulder and close my eyes. "Why don't I show you two to your room." "Room? Like, one room," I ask sleepily. "Yes," she says, confusion clear in her voice,"wouldn't you stay in the same room as your husband?" I jerk my eyes open, and sit up quickly. The Doctor was staring at Tessa,"Um, she's not my wife." He answers for me, seeing as I couldn't do it. My mouth was agape still, in shock from the husband comment. "Oh, so you two are just courting at the moment?" "No, no!" I say, my cheeks aflame. She looks confused, but says, "Then you can both have your own room in the guest wing."

She led us through the Institute and stopped in front of a door, and turned to look at the Doctor. "This is your room; Jem left you a change of clothes on the bed." Once we left the Doctor to get situated in his room, Tessa led me a bit farther down the hall to another room. We both walked in, Tessa walked over to the bed and picked up what seemed to be a night gown. She handed it to me, and I set it on the dresser. I went and sat on the bed, but Tessa didn't leave. "So you two aren't together?" She asked. "No, we're not. Why does everyone always think that?" I ask in exasperation. "Maybe because you two act like it. I mean, he was holding your hands, and the way you two flirt mercilessly." "We do not," I exclaim, my cheeks going pink. "Whatever you say," she laughs,"well, get some sleep. We'll sort all this out tomorrow." "Goodnight, Tessa." She smiled,"Goodnight, Rose."

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