The Institute

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               I look over at the Doctor, noticing the tightness of his face and a grimace stretched across his mouth, before finally stepping across the threshold of the church. Once I stepped inside I noticed it didn't look as shabby, and rundown as it had on the outside. Actually the inside resembled something close to a gothic cathedral.....but it looked more welcoming to live in than an actual cathedral looked. It just seemed warmer....something bordering on a mansion-like house. The Doctor came up behind me, putting his hand on my shoulder, almost as if to steady himself. He seemed a bit shaky, looking around the inside of....what did she call it...the Institute! He looked around almost in a daze, as if he couldn't really believe what he was seeing. I turned to him, about to ask for an explanations as to why he was so freaked out, when he shook his head. I snapped my mouth shut. No matter how much I wanted to know what was wrong, I knew not to push the subject. "Come on, I'll take you all to the drawing room to speak with Charlotte." Tessa said, drawing my attention away from the Doctor. I turned back to the Doctor and looked pointedly to the staircase. He removed his hand from my shoulder and moved toward the staircase. He stopped just as quickly as he moved forward and reached back, grabbing my hand and tugging me after him. His hand practically swallowed mine, but it was warm and soft. He had such soft hands, so smooth. I shivered, hoping he didn't notice. We continue after Tessa; winding down halls, lit only by candlelight. She finally stops in front of two giant,wooden doors that I assume leads to the drawing room. She knocks, and I hear a voice from inside, "Come in." Tessa moves to open the door, but turns back to us and sees our hands linked together. I feel my face start to burn, and I pull my hand from his but he doesn't seem to notice. Tessa coughs, "Umm....wait out here while I talk to Charlotte." She says, sounding a bit uncomfortable. She turns and walks into the drawing room, leaving us outside. Neither of us say anything for a while until finally I hear the Doctor sigh. "Are you going to tell me what's going on?" I ask him. He sighs again, "No. Not until I'm absolutely sure what's going on. I have an idea, but I need to hear it from them first." I just nod, and lean my head against his shoulder in exaustion, and he lays his head on top of mine and we just stay like that for a while. When the doors open again, neither of us notice because we're still leaning into each other, our eyes closed, practically asleep on our feet. Someone grunts and our eyes fly open and we jerk apart. I see Tessa standing with some woman, who is much smaller than her and who I assume to be Charlotte. They both look really uncomfortable but the woman motions us into the room, where she sits on a love seat. The Doctor and I take the love seat opposite of Charlotte, while Tessa sits in a chair, off to the side. "So, what do you two know," Charlotte asks. I look to the Doctor, and he looks to Charlotte. "Are you the Nephilim?" He asks, his voice tight. Charlotte looks quite surprised he knows the term but quickly shakes it off, but I do not. "Wait, did you just say Nephilim? You know, as in the spawn of angels and humans?" He just gives me a look that says, not quite. "Yes," says Charlotte,"we are." The Doctor lets out a shuddering breath, and suddenly looks as if he's aged ten years. "I was afraid of that."

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