Varian and Ruddiger escaped

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Hey guys Violet and Leyna here hope you guys enjoy.

Varian POV:

The guards walk me and Ruddiger down the dungeon to bring me to where I was going to be killed that's when I see a tiny unicorn figure. Then all the dungeon doors started closing me and the guards were confused the captain said "What's this what's going on open up." Shorty said "What's the password." Then the captain said "What." Shorty said "Nope." The captain said "Open the door." Shorty said "Nope." Captain said *Yelled* "YOU GOT 3 MINUTES OPEN THIS DOOR NOW."

Then suddenly something the guards behind the captain wall disappear then the captain turned around and looked at me after the captain had counted to three. And then the captain was hit by a frying pan and fell to the ground knock out. I said "Frying pans who knew right." More guards Burst threw the door and then we ran in different directions lucky for me the mime distracted them.

Then he made them look the other way and Vladimir ran into them knocking them out. We made our way outside the dungeon and we're standing outside we see a whole storm of guards running down the stairs to me and the thugs then tools hand takes me and put me on some wagon hook hand said "Head down." I said "head down." He said "arms in." I said "Arms in." Then hook hand said " knees apart." I said "Knees apart?" Then Vladimir jump down on the wagon and I flew into the air then I landed on Max I said "Max you brought them here. Thank you no really thank you. I guess this whole time we been misunderstanding each other. Yeah your right we should go."

More guards came and then Max ran fast I said "Max Max MAX." He jump onto the roof of a house and then we slid down and landed on the ground. Leaving the kingdom and heading into the woods I said "Ok Max let's see how fast you can run." We we're in the woods and made our way to where the tower was.

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