Snuggly kitten and I've got a dream

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Hey guys Violet and Leyna here hope you guys enjoy.

Varian POV:

I said "I know it's around here ah there it is the snuggly kitten. Don't worry very quaint place perfect for you don't want you scaring and giving up on this whole endeavour now do we." Adrianna said "Well I do like kittens." I said "Yay Garson your finest table please. You smell that take a deep breath through the nose really let that sleep in. What are you getting because to me that part man smell I don't know why but overall it just smells like the colour brown." I guy grab her hair and she was scared in shock a thug said "That's a lot of hair."

I said "She's growing it out. Is that blood in your moustache blueberry look at this look at all that blood and his moustache you don't look so good blueberry . Maybe we should get you home and call it a day probably better off than this five-star joint. After all if you can't handle this place well maybe you should go back to your tower." A big guy with a Viking helmet close the door while holding a wanted poster of me. I said "Oh no they're just being mean." The hook hand guy said "Oh it's him all right Greto go find some guards that rewards gonna buy me a new hook." Someone else grab me and they were all fighting over who should turn me in and get the reward.

Adrianna said "Stop." I said "Hey we can work this out." Adrianna said "Hey leave him alone." She grab a tree branch and hit the hook guy with it Adrianna said "Put him down." He walk up towards her Adrianna said "Ok I don't know where I am and I need him to take me to see the lanterns because I've been dreaming about them my entire life find your humanity haven't any of you ever hand a dream." The hook guy said "I had a dream once."

Adrianna POV:

The gentleman with the hook said "I had a dream once." He went to the piano and started playing and he started singing.

I'm malicious,
mean and scary
My sneer could
curdle dairy
And violence-wise
My hands are not
The cleanest
But despite my
Evil look
And my temper
And my hook

I've always yearned
To be a concert
can't you see me
On the stage performing
Ticking the ivories
Till they gleam
Yup I'd rather be
Called deadly
For my killer
Show tune medley
cause way deep down
I've got a dream

He's got a dream
He's got a dream

See I ain't cruel
And vicious as I seem
Thought I do
Like breaking femurs
You can count me
With the dreamers
Like everybody else
I've got a dream

I've got scars
And lumps and
Plus something here
That oozes
And let's not
Even mention my
But despite my
Extra toes
And my goiter
And my nose

I really want to
Make a love connection
Can't you see me
With a special little
Rowing in a rowboat
Down the stream
Though I'm
One disgusting blighter
I'm a love not a fighter
Cause way down deep
I've got a dream
I've got a dream

He's got a dream

Big nose:
I've got a dream

He's got a dream

Big nose:
And I know one day
Romance will reign supreme
Though my face
Leaves people screaming
There's a child
Behind it Dreaming
Like everybody else
I've got a dream

A thug:
Toll would like to quit
And be a florist

Another thug:
Gunther does interior

A thug:
Urf is into mine
Attila's cupcakes are

Brusier knits
Killer sews
Fang those little
Puppet shows

And Vladimir
Collects ceramic
What about you

What about me

Big nose:
What's your dream

Oh no no sorry boys I don't sing
I have dreams like you
No really
Just much less
They mainly
Happen somewhere
Warm and sunny
On an island
That I own

Tanned and rested
And alone
Surrounded by
Enormous piles
Of money

I've got a dream

She's got a dream

I've got a dream

She's got a dream

I just want to
See the floating
Lanterns gleam
And with every
Passing hour
I'm so glad
I left my tower
Like all you lovely
I've got a dream

She's got a dream
He's got a dream
They gotta dream
We've got a dream
So our differences
Ain't really that
We're one big team
Call us brutal
Sick, sadistic
And grotesquely

Cause way deep
Down inside
We got a dream
I've got a dream
I've got a dream
I've got a dream
Yes way down deep inside
I've got a dream


We stop singing.

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