Chapter 1 - The Princess is Coming!

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September 28, 2023

Sophia lead the gang along a trail, with Valentina and Isabel attempting to take the lead. Making their way to a grove with a pool of water in the middle, the kids let their unicorns rehydrate as Ava and Layla unpacked their picnic. But even on what was supposed to be a relaxing lunch, one of the unicorns was on edge. Leaf, Ava's unicorn, kept swerving her head around, as if waiting for something to appear.

Ava - "Aw, what's wrong, Leaf? You got a case of the jumpies!"

Sophia - "You alright, Leaf? You look like Rory when we tricked him into thinking there was a ghost in the barn."

Rory - "I didn't think there was a ghost! I told you, ghosts aren't real! Besides, I only reacted that way to make sure I could protect you girls from the possible danger!"

Isabel - "Right..."

Sophia - "Anyway, maybe she'll feel better once she gets something to—"

The sounds of branches breaking caused the group to go silent. Leaf got riled up and stood at the front of group, and not even Ava was able to calm her down. Whatever it was, Leaf knew that it was dangerous, and they had to get out of there. Before the unicorn riders could guess what the mysterious creature was that's stalking their picnic, the creature shows itself to be a unicorn. A light yellow pelt, similar to Leaf's but a little more golden, with a golden horn at the top of his forehead. His mane was dark purple, also like Leaf's, but with coral and magenta stripes, and piercing violet eyes. His most noticeable feature though was the two feathers that were kept behind his left ear.

Sophia - "Woah! Isn't he a beauty!"

Ava - "Aww! He kind of looks like Leaf!"

Isabel - "And look at the muscles on him! That's one strong unicorn!"

Sophia - "Hey there, big guy. It's okay."

Sophia attempted to approach the unicorn, only for him to rear up in anger, causing her, along with the rest of the gang, to jump back in surprise. Leaf jumped in front of Sophia, neighing desperately at the angry unicorn, as if pleading with him to let them go. Quickly mounting their unicorns, the riders decided it was best to make a run for it. And they were right, because as they checked behind them, they realized the unicorn was chasing them throughout the woods.

Rory - "Guys. Run. Now."

Sophia - "Everyone, get back on your unicorns!"

Isabel - "Don't have to tell me twice!"

Valentina - "And I thought Cinder was fierce!"

Sophia - "Run!"

Despite their efforts, the gang wasn't able to throw off the aggressive unicorn, and they were getting tired. Leaf, who seemed to know a shortcut, cut in front of Wildstar and lead the riders and unicorns down a path that, for some reason, the mysterious unicorn wouldn't cross. Giving one final huff at the riders, the unicorn ran off, leaving everyone confused and scared.

Layla - "I'm sorry, but what was that?!"

Ava - "Poor Leaf, are you alright, girl?"

Rory - "That unicorn did not like us!"

Valentina - "Oh, really?! You think?!"

Sophia - "Not the time to be sarcastic, you guys!"

Isabel - "Let's just get back to the stables and away from that guy!"

Ava - "I don't think this is something we should move on from. Leaf knew that unicorn! I know she did, it's like she was trying to communicate with him!"

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