~My love for you... ~

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~So guess who's ready to finnish this book?? 😌 Uhm as  you could guessed it's gonna be the last chapter and I'm still thinking if I should try to make a new book, welp we'll see, have a great reading time and please enjoy! Let's get started! ~
~~-My random commenting
**-action/time lap
__-someones  thought's
() -explicaning
P.O.V- point of view 
~As soon as Takemichi got discharged from the hospital Mikey made up his mind on starting to make much more and larger steps on conffessing to Takemichi. Takemichi on the other hand started to notice the change of the attitude from Mikey and the gang witch for him was completely strage.His friends started to leave him and Mikey alone saying such things as :"I gotta go my sisters needs me " or "Sorry I have to go Baji asked me on a date " or " My motorcycle isn't in a great shape can't come " so it always comes to the thing that Mikey and Takemichi are always hanging out toghter and to be honestly Takemichi didn't mind a bit since he had a crush on his commander and didn't mind he's presences  Mikey was happy that Takemichi agreed everytime on hanging out with the gang even if he knew that this hangout will turn more likely on a date for them two.~
P.O.V Mikey
- Yes I know I  have to confess but i-i just can't.. Ugh it's so hard!!! *pouts *

Baji- Mikey man up I confessed to Fuyu and he accepted it, cmon it's clear you two love each other!

Draken- As much as I hate to agree with him.. He right Mikey your acting like a 8th grade girl who has a lovestruck .

Mikey- Ken-chin! Your supposed to be on my side, Traitor!

Baji- Y'all know what I'm going I cant deal with him *turns around and leaves to his motorcycle*

Draken- Same here*leaves * Maybe Emma can help you

Mikey-__There they go... Such traitors ugh..i guess Emma could help me __* calls Emma *

## E. - Yes oni-san, what's wrong?

M.- I need help on the confession, I need some ideas *whines*

E. - Cmon Mikey it's easy you just tell him how you feel, take him to his favourite place or something new for him , tell him how much you love him and that he makes you happy, something like that you get it.

M.- I m-mean technically your right but what if doesn't accept itt??

E. - Cmon Mikey you've been preparing for 2 weeks man up!

M.- Fine! I will do it today

E. - Thats my brother!

M.- Thanks Emma! *hangs up * ##

*3 Hours later *

Mitsuya- Cmon Mikey Chifuyu and Emma are already at Takemichis place trying to get him dressed up

Mikey- I - I can't what if I sturter or what if he hates me after that or what i-

Baji-*slaps the back of Mikeys head * Sthu it's annoying I could do it now it's your time to shine cmon show him what  gentelmen you are or you want Takemichi to think that your a p*$$y , Ha?!

Mikey- Ow.. Yeah thanks Baji really helped *scratches the back of his head *

Mitsuya- Believe me Mikey Takemichi likes no ...Loves you, the way you do ,so stop flirting with each other and make him yours!

Mikey- Y-Yeah I guess I can do that __right?__

*call from Emma *

##E.- Mitsuya- Takemichi is on his way with Chifuyu to y'all cmon quirk finnish what you have to do and tell Mikey to be prepared by the time he gets there!

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