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~Little by little I'm planning on finishing this book so maybe 1-2 more chapers we'll see. So now why I didn't post.... Ehm.... Yeah I just kinda forgot about this also the school problems uhm yh let's begin!

__-someone's thoughts
**-action/time lap
() -explication
~~-my random comments/narration
!! P.O.V -point of view
~Its been a week since the incident even though Kisaki was beaten up almost deadly it didn't really clam down Mikey  , he still was angry that he couldn't do anything and was scared to death for his beloved that right now was still in hospital bed but in a better condition which deffenetly ment he will wake up soon. Mikey didn't leave the hospital but only in urgent times , he wanted to stay with his Michy and be there when he will wake up. Chifuyu and Emma were as well worried sick about Takemichy and Mikey since he didn't seem to be the colorful sometimes annoying brother /friend with they always loved . With the help from Draken and the other division captains Toman was still working hard on getting the title of top #1 gang in Tokyo, as you know without the captain it was harder but they didn't lose their hope that one day everything will be back to normal. *
*Time has passed it's been a week since Mikey didn't leave the hospital room, Takemichy didn't had all the bandages only the ones to support him in a normal condition. Mikey was tired but his insticts didn't let him sleep as he knew that sooner or later his Michy will awake and call his name with a warm smile telling him that everything is okey. At this point Mikey was ready to confess his love for the blonde boy, he even had near Takemichys bed his (Mitchys) favourite flowers which he bought yesterday . (He's been changing the bouqueta every once in 3-4 days)
Mikey was lost in his thoughts about everything that happened lately when suddenly someone interrupted him *
Draken- Mikey you should really get out of this hospital, I understand your worried sick about him but the doctor said that he's alright just in a little coma...

Mikey- Huh?!.. oh, you know Ken-chin I can't leave him alone, I said that I won't leave he's side I. made. a. promise. to. him.

Draken- Mikey if you don't get out I might have to use force!

Mikey- I wanna see you try *blank stare, stands up ready to defend himself *

?? -Ugh my throat ...is so s-sore.. *cough*

*Both of the boys turn around, shocked *

Mikey- MITCHY! *runs to him hugging gently*

Draken-*still tying to process * T-Takemichi? ...

Mikey- Why you standing Ken-chin call the doctor tell him he woke up!

Draken- Y-Yeah, right away,*rushes out *

Takemichi- M..ikey?

Mikey- shh don't talk your throat might hurt more.. I was worried sick about you! * tears started to come out, looks at Michy *

Takemichi- I'm.. S-sorry.. Everything is f-fine now * smiles weakly but warm *

Mikey-__this is what I wanted to hear this long, his sweet voice... __,*smiles a little and in corner of the eyes appears a tint of blush * never do that again pls...do you need anything does something hurt?!

Takemichi- No, no M-Mikey-kun.. Everything is fine just my throat .. *in a soft tone*
*Some time later Darken came back with the doctor then Mikey and Draken decided to call everyone to tell them that Takemichy is awake. The first ones to come is obviously Emma, Chifuyu and Baji,Emma and Chifuyu were really happy to hear that their bestie has awake feeeling okay and finnaly Mikey will be in peace since having an angry and always so moodie captain isnt really giving you a sweet life. *

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