~Emma! ~

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~ Hi Guys im really sorry I couldn't update I was sick , but I fell better so know I can update! So I was thinking about continuing the story since it seems for me right know a bit of cringe, and please comment should I continue it or no?
Now let's get to the story! ~
~~-my rondom comments
__-someones thought's
!! P.OV -point of view
() -explications
**-action/time lap
!!No ones P.O.V!!



Draken- huh? Mikey why are you yeli- *sees Takemichi knocked out with blood dropping of  the back of the head with Emma who's looking scared to death *

Emma- I-i..?! .. *passes out *

Draken- Emma! hey-hey! Ugh *calls the ambulance *

~Mikey was standing there feeling his dark impulse coming out, witch is definitely not a good thing but what he cares about is that his sister almost got smacked in the head with a bat and his crush has saved her.. He didn't want to lose nor his sister nor Takemichi, Mikeys blood was boiling with anger but he had to control since there was still looking people at the terrifying scene ~

~They are at the hospital, Draken was in Emmas after Mikey made sure that his dear sister will  woke up.He went to Takemichis room, for him it was the most heartbreaking scene seeing that his crush, his Michy, his ball of sunshine was lying with all the technology, tubes comming from different part of his body,his head almost full covered with bandages , to say it shorter is Takemichi was almost on his death bed since he lost a pretty good amount of blood ~

Mikey P.O.V

__How... HOW DID I LET IT HAPPEN?!? I WAS THERE GOSH IF I COULD JUST BE A LITTLE QUICKER THAT TIME IT WOULDN'T  HAPPEN! ... my Michy... *looks at Takemichi * doctor said he's chances are low since the hit was a hard one..why.. WHY, JUST WHY FIRST SHINCHIRO , ALMOST EMMA?! NOW TAKEMICHI ... I feel so f******* stupid.
...*feels tap on his shoulder *


Draken- Stop blaming yourself... I know you to well and control your anger .. Also good news Emma is awake she's talking to the doctor and therapist so I went to look for you *gives a small reassuring smile, even tho himself was worried as heck for Emma and Takemichy, him and Mikey had red and puffy eyes *

Mikey-E-Emma?! She's awake!? *percks up * Let's go see her!

*In Emmas room *

Mikey- Emma! *runs up to her , hugs tightly, tears rolling he's eyes *

Emma- M-Mikey?!? What happened?! And why the doctor asked about how I feel and if I got hit anywhere ???

Draken- * explains everything to her * So that's how you got here, we still don't know about the person who did this..

Emma- Takemichi saved me?...

Mikey- Y-Yeah.. *remembers about Takemichis condition *

Emma- How's he now then?!* in a worried tone *

Mikey-.... How Drake told you he got hit a little lower then the back of he's head while pushing you away , and.. *feels tears forming in he's eyes *

Draken-*cares Mikeys back * Emma I think you should see it your self..

Emma- Is it that b-bad?!

*Draken looks away , Emma seeing Drakens reaction rushes to get out of the bed *

Mikey- Wa-wait stay still or atleat be carefully you had almost a heartatack I can't lose you as Shin-nii *hugs Emma in a protecting grip*

Draken- Mikey gentle!

Mikey-*looses his grip a little, then after some time let's go *

Emma- I want to visit Takemichi... *lays back in the bed *

Draken- Tomorrow, today you have to rest I will be here with you if you get hungry or want to go to the restroom

Emma- Thank you Draken *smiles a little * Mikey- you should go to Takemichi I'm sure you want it as well

Mikey- .. W-What about you?

Draken- As I said earlier I will be here with her, and you can come in from time to time , also Chifuyu and Baji texted me asking how Emma and Takemichi are feeling saiyng that the personal didn't let them in since at night it's allowed only for 1-2 person to enter..

Mikey- Tell them that Emma woke up.. And for Takemichi..  Say that they can pay him a visit tomorrow or later in the evening..*exists the rooglong back to Mikeys room *
*Takemichis room *
!! Back to Mikeys P.O.V!!

__ Atleast Emma feells okay, she woke up tho she doesn't remember almost  nothing that happen, it's a bad thing there might be a chance that she saw how the mysterious person lookes. Man I didn't even know where to start searching that black hood an pants of his  doesn't help me with anything! Ugh I fell weak.. As the Invincible Mikey, as Emma brother and Michys friend(Would be great boyfriend &husband) I should have done something.. The most interesting is why did that person needed to kill/hurt my sister , is someone from other gang but there not any gangs that know about that Emma is my sister. After ambulance took Emma and Michy I looked with Baji and Chifuyu almost everywhere near the festival and no one... It's almost  morning, I'm tired but I can't sleep while Takemichis condition is likes that! ...ugh*groans *

*Some time later *

__Wait! If there is no gang that knows about me being Emmas brother then that means ...ITS SOMEONE FROM TOMAN?! ...but only the captians of division know about this?!..Baji and Chifuyu couldn't do it they were to far from the place, and Chifuyu is like a best friend to Emma and Takemichy... Mitsuya was busy with his sisters all day, probably sleeping after that time ...Inui and Kokonoi are out of town..Then  who could it be?! Unless it's someone that was in a the past a captain..wait.. Don't tell me it's  KISAKI?!_
~Okay I hope that this chapter came out decent and that there will be no mistakes (sorry if you noticed any )so  this was for today and  I hope y'all liked it have a great night/day and bye-bye 🫶~

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