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Third person pov:

Drew just finished a day of school, nothing seemed to challenge him anymore so it's just a complete snooze fest. He decided he wanted to the mall by himself and get some type of drink. While walking he was interrupted.

"Hi, Drewybear!!!" Zoey, Drew's girlfriend, says. "I was wondering if you could take me shopping today?"

Drew had $29 on him and didn't feel like spending it all on her. Not to mention he left him wallet and credit card at home today since he was running late.

"Sorry, no can do today." He says in a low voice.

"Wha- why?!" She replies to him in an angered tone.

"Because I said no..?"

He was fed up with her demanding requests and really just wanted a day to himself, was it that hard to get?

Drew ignored Zoey who was fuming and walked straight past her. He started walking towards his car to drive straight to the mall.

Zander's eyes watched the situation between Zoey and Drew. He almost felt pity for Drew...



Drew arrived at the mall and went over to the food court. He bought a Starry and started wandering the place.

He stumbled across a store which he recognized. This was Zoey's favorite store. Ironically, she was in there.

Drew scoffed and right as he was about to turn around a man, around his late 30's, grabbed Zoey's hand. This piqued his interest, so he kept a low profile and watched them.

Zoey was pointing out designer clothes and bags,  the man grabbed each one. Zoey then placed a kiss on his lips. This is what broke Drew.

Drew didn't even realize his grip on the Starry was so strong it was dripping onto the floor. Drew stormed out of the mall and to his car, tears threatening to fall.

He drove home and ran to him room. The first thing he did when he got home was, cry. This woman, he loved her, cherished her, and payed for all her wishes. Now what? She was nothing to him anymore.

Drew couldn't take that. He needed to plan out how to break it off with her.


Zander heard the doorbell ring and walked down his stairs to get it. He opened the door to see a disheveled and uneasy Luke.

"Luke! What happened?" Zander asked, reaching for his hand.

Luke looked down.

"Luke?" Zander said again, hoping to get a response from him.

"Uh, can we talk? In your room? Privately?" Luke asked, his voice sounding dead.

Zander nodded his head and guided Luke in. Once in Zander's room, they both sat down.

"What's wrong?" Zander asked, starting to get very concerned.

Luke looked down again, planning his words carefully.

Zander anxiously waited for him to answer. The suspense killing him.

"Zander.." He said, "I don't think I like anyone anymore."

Zander's heart dropped. Luke didn't like him anymore? How could this be?

Zander let streams of tears run out of his eyes and he couldn't bring himself to even look up at Luke anymore.

"What did I do wrong..?" Zander made out in a whisper.

Luke's eyes widened at Zander's reaction.

"Zander! You're absolutely amazing! I just don't feel attraction in anyone at all... I think I'm Aromantic."

Zander tears slowed their streams and eventually he stopped crying.

"T-that's understandable... I just need a minute.." Zander replies, still sick to his stomach.

"I understand.. So, you think we can be back to friends?" Luke asks, putting out his hand.

It still hurts Zander to see this, his lover since first grade, his childhood friend,  his best friend, doesn't love him. His best friend can't love him.

"Friends," Zander replied, shaking Luke's hand. "Thanks for telling me, by the way."


"Ijust need some time to wrap my head around this and think."

"I see..." Luke stands up, "See you at school sometime, hopefully."

Luke then flashes a smile at Zander before leaving. It's good to leave on good terms instead of bad, right?

Once Luke left, Zander looked for a distraction.

He saw the app 'Snapchat' that Milly had downloaded for him. He had everyone in the club on there and could care less to open it. But, right now seems like a good time.

Zander opened up Snapchat and looked around. He stared into the camera and saw how puffy red his eyes were. Suddenly, he clicked the notification button and saw all the mutuals and suggested friend. That's when he saw the name,


What could go wrong?


Meanwhile, Drew couldn't stop crying. He didn't even know why, he didn't love Zoey that much. Why was it such a huge impact on him?

Suddenly, he got a new message pop up.

Zander Wickham wants to be your friend! -SNAPCHAT

Drew looked peculiarly at his phone. He wouldn't have expected Zander to friend him on snap.

"Should I accept it? Maybe it's time for us to actually be nice; now that we don't have to listen to Zoey, of course."


Zander's screen lit up.

Drew had accepted your friend request.

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