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Jay's eyes fluttered open as he  couldnt move his arms legs or anything really. he just layed there unable to move at all. he could obviously move his eyes but that was about it that he knew of. he thought he could hear breathing and a weight on his arm. 

the door opened with a squeak. "Oh! hello Jay, your awake now!" Zane smiled greeting him happily. "Kai was awfuly worried about you when your elemental power took control and went haywire, but all that matter's is that your okay". Zane's happyiness turned to a more serious tone. "You have fresh wounds but some date back to a long time ago. Jay has your elemntal power been hurting you? have you been hurting yourself?" Zane asked in a seriuos but worried tone. 

"t-that dosnt matter to much right now zane, wheres kai!? is he okay? all i rember is him when he walked close to me then i blacked out?" Jay shouted worringly. 

"uhh, heh you should look beside you" zane smiled.

Jay tried to move his head and saw kai next to jay on the small hospital bed. Jay blushed rapidly before looking back at zane. "He was pretty worried about you y'know? he wouldnt leave your side so the nursed just gave up and let him stay with you untill you woke up which you did right now but he's still asleep" zane smiled again before walking out. 

"what the fuck just happened?" Jay asked outloud. he started to hear sniff and feel a single tear seeping through his hospital clothes. he moved his head with effort and saw kai with a worried expression still obvioulsy asleep. "is he alright?" kai murmered "he cant be... no...No...why!?" Jay pressed his forehead against kai trying to comfort him somehow. Kai's red ruby eye's burst open with fear before realising it was a dream and sighing before looking at jay.  "HOLY- your awake...haha" kai stumbled his words as he messily got out of the hospital bed and sat at the seat madly blushing. 

"hii kai-" Jay smiled before kai cut him off. 

"dont you mutter a word about this" His tone had changed immeadiantly into an agrier sort of sound. "Especially nya". 

"Ok-" jay quickly said. 


"btw why did you have to say that like now? when i wake up in a hospital bed? I DONT EVEN KNOW WHY IM HERE!" Jay yelled while trying to stand up. 

"Dude you dont remeber?" Kai asked. 

"Yeah" Jay said "thats what i just said?" 

" just got attacked on the street..." Kai muttered. he sounded like he was lieing but jay just went along with it. 

his eye caught onto the mirror. he looked at himself. his eyes had a weird blue and yellow marbeling with light white hair with small blue streaks. his arms were covered in bandages and his face had bandaids all over the chin and some below his eyes. 

"did they dye my hair aswell?" jay smuggly smiled knowing fully well he just broke kai's lie in half. 

"Uhhhh you got hit with green acid that made your hair turn white and and and----" kai stuttered

"Kai i know your lying lol" jay smiled. "the ninja of fire? more like the ninja of liars" 

"Hey!" Kai said "im not good at lieing so i couldnt be a ninja of it-" 

"Busted!, now what happened?" jay asked.  

he saw kai's bandages on his arm. "what happened to your arm!?" Jay excalimed.

" h-happened"

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