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It was Saturday. THANK THE LORD FOR SATURDAYS! When I woke up, I had a song stuck in my head. So, naturally, I sang it as I went to get my poptart.

"THIS GIRL IS ON FIIIRRREEEE!!!" I sang, really loud, I might add. My singing isn't really good in the morning when I'm tired. But when I try to sing, like actully try, I'm not half bad for a fifteen year old girl.

I logged on to Instagram as I finished my poptart and posted this too-cute picture of chibi Avengers.

"Awwwe! Chibi Fury looks so mad xD #Chibi #Adorableness #Avengers."

So I went off to get ready, throwing on my black T-Shirt with and Arc-reactor on it and my skinny jeans with my Marvel belt.

I grabbed my hair brush/microphone and started rocking out to "Thrift Shop" and just as I finished the chorus, the phone rang.

"Heller?" I answered.

"Hello. Is this Mrs. Isley?" a man's voice asked.

"Nah, this her daughter," I said. "What can I do ya for?"

"Hello, Carmen. This is Director Fury at-"

"S.H.E.I.L.D.?!?!" I squealed.

"Yes, That's-"


"Yeah. And we-"

"OH EM GEE!!!! ARE YOU FOR REAL?! Is this Issac pranking me?"

Director Fury laughed a little. "No, this is real, and very serious. We want you as a part of our team. We need your location. We'll send a car to-"

"24 West 86th Street!!!!" And then I hung up and screamed.

"MOM!!!! I'M GONNA BE A S.H.I.E.L.D. AGENT!!!!" I squeed, dancing around the room.

"That's great, honey." My mom called from the other room. "Now can you go use your agent powers to do the dishes?"

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