Chapter 36

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Her Green eyes opened I smiled and almost gave in a hug but I didn't because the glass would go in farther "W-who are you?"she saids my smile became serious "it's your friend Lexi"I say "P-p-lease lady go away I don't know you"she saids back"Doctor!"I say,a doctor came in"What's wrong?"he saids I take a deep breath "she does not know who I am"I say as my hand turned into a fist like I was mad "Oh um...."he said I got nervous I made my fist tighter "She lost her memory from what happened"he saids my heart dropped and shattered in little pieces "I am so sorry mam"he saids "It's fine,it's not you fault"a tear started to fall then another "Erin you don't know me at all?"I say she shakes her head I walk out of the room and had my head down the whole time going to my room

I walked in and Louis looked at me "What's wrong?"he said "Nothing"I walk to the bed and put my bag I had for the beach and looked at my phone it was me and Erin before this whole thing happened "It's all my fault"I say.Louis jerked his head to me "What's you fault?"Louis saids I put my phone in my bag "I should of never asked Erin to go the beach she wouldn't have lost her memory of me and get hurt"tears gushed out of my eyes "It's not your fault you never knew"Louis saids"Yes it is I should have never went to the beach......Erin would never know the fun times we had together and she doesn't even know me"my legs go weak from thinking about it Louis came over and hugged me tight and kissed my head "You just make friends with her now"Louis saids I let go of his arms "She scared to even talk to me"I say tears come down

I felt like I was crying so much I ran out Louis arms was still wrapped around me and his lips was on my head the doctor came in "you can go home now"then he walked out Louis let go and got my bag and his he went back to where I was and took out his hand and I grabbed it we walked to Nialls room and he was getting ready to leave as Niall was done he went with us Erin room was close to the lobby I turned to her room and she stared at me a scared stare I walked past and the face was stuck in my head my legs got weak and I fell crying I lifted my knees up to my face and sobbed into them I felt me getting lift up from the ground and on to a shoulder I rest my head on it but I sobbed and cried I just want my friend to be her normal self Fun,Smiles all the time,and the best thing she was my best friend and she always be

But now......

She doesn't even know me

Wait what!?I got adopted by Louis Tomlinson(Louis Tomlinson fan fiction)Completed. (EXTREME EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now