Chapter 4

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"Wait Chase!" I scream, he walks back in his face bright red.

"Listen Lex, I am sorry" he saids

"It's fine, just it's little early for kissing" I say he nods

"How about we go out on a date?" He saids I nodded.

"I gotta go bye" he waves and walks out the door. I jump up and down intill Eleanor came then I landed on my bed trying to act like nothing happened

"What did you do with Chase?" she said

"Um nothing" I say as I play with my hair. she rises and eyebrow at me

"Yea, yea c'mon tell me just between us girls" she said with a excited voice I sigh

"Ugh fine we kissed but i said its to early but then he asked me out and i said yes" i say her mouth hung open

"Omg girl! where you going!?" She said

"I don't know" I say "

"Well it better be soon cause I got a wonderful place!" She saids as she claps her hands together.

"I can't wait to you go on your date!" She said with a smile.

Then I thought I can't believe I am going on a date!

Couple days later

As i was reading my book I got i see Louis come in with a box and he smiled

"Here this is for you." He saids I open it slowly as see a IPhone5, I saw these things before and they looked awesome!

"I love it Louis!" I say as i give him a huge hug "Now um how do you work it?" I say with embarrassment

"Oh it's easy." He saids

He started teaching me it and it seemed easier by the minute

"Wow that amazing thanks Louis once again!" I say as I give him other hug

"Oh and i put the lads and My phone number in it also El and Perrie's" He saids i look at him

"Who's Perrie?" I say with confusion

"Its Zayn girlfriend he never told you?" He saids

"He barely talk to me Louis so I doubt I know his girlfriend" i say, he smiles

"Well she very nice you meet her one day" He saids i nodded with a smile. "We'll going to my room come if you need anything" he walks out I get the bag from under my bed, i open it and I see my parents I take it out and hug it I start to tear up, but I fight it I put it on my desk and put by bag under my bed. My phone start ringing it had Chase on it I wonder who put it in?And how did he/she know his number? These questions were running tho my head but I then press my phone To answer it

"Hello?" Chase saids

"h-hello?" i say

"hey is this Lexi?"

"yes it is"

"oh hey it chase!" I chuckle and say

"You name came up on my phone" i say he chuckled

"Oh ok I have an idea, how about we go to the little Italian place at the end if the street

"Ok sounds great!" I say

"Ok I pick you up at 7 on Friday"

"It's fine can't wait!" I say, I hung up and thought,

I wonder how it will go

Wait what!?I got adopted by Louis Tomlinson(Louis Tomlinson fan fiction)Completed. (EXTREME EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now