Chapter 8

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I walk outside to get fresh air when I see James he winks at me I smile then he came over I thought he was flirting with but this lead to asking me out.

I waited till he said something then he finally did

"I think you nice wanna be friends?"He saids i froze then said "Um yea?" he nods "Well see ya" he says as he runs off guess he does not a crush on my after all.

James POV

I walk to my house, Shit what was I thinking? She thinks I am weird now I should of asked her out I kicked a rock to get my anger out, why can't you be a man James?

Lexi POV

I past Chase house but really don't care anymore I don't like him anymore. i walk in the door I see Harry half naked

"Aw Harry put some damn clothes on"he looked at me

"Sorry love" He saids as he runs upstairs, I start to hear guitar it was beautiful I walked in the game room it was Niall with Zayn and Louis and Liam.

"Hey babe" Zayn said

"Hi what you doing?" i say as I sit on Louis lap

"Oh nothing were just playing guitar"Niall said, I nod

"Cool,can I play?"he hands me the guitar.

I didn't play so well but I kept doing it I gave him back the guitar

The door swings open its Harry "Lexi there someone down here for you" I get off Louis lap and go to the door.

It's Chase I roll my eyes

"What do you want Chase?"I say with my hands on my hips "May I come in?" He just replied

"No" I say as I block him Chase looked sad but I could care less he made me sad.

"Please forgive me I love you"I take a deep breath and say "Chase I just don't know you broke my heart" I say, all the sudden a little girl comes up and saids "Where Louis? Did you forgive her so I can meet her? And did you get stuff cause her daddy rich?"Chase eyes widen "Shush!"he screeches my eyes widen "So you mean to tell me you just went out for me so you could get something and meet Louis!?"

"No t-t-hats not it, I love you! My sister is wanted it to be that way but I said no!" He say but I just rolled my eyes.

" I don't wanna see you fucking ugly face again!" I try to close the door but he stopped it with his hands

"Please I love you" chase said

"No you don't you used me" he sighs and takes his hands of the door and walks away with his sister,

I close the door that little Cunt ,Niall was right.

I walked to my room and the boys ran in "what's wrong you were yelling" Liam saids

I take deep breath and say

"Chase never loved me he just wanted his sister and him to meet Louis wanted to use me since Louis and I are rich" I say with tears coming down my cheeks.

"Where is that boy I wanna punch the shit out of him!" Louis saids

"That's not how you solve you problems" Liam said

"Liam shut up" Louis saids, Man i i i just can't take it

"Guys it fine just let me be alone" i say ,they all left.

I was all alone.

Intill the glass of the door slid open it was James, how did he know where u live, well I guess since I am Louis Tomlinson's daughter, oh well I don't know.

"oh hey Lex"I look down and mumble


"how you doing?

"good I guess" I say

"ok listen I know we're friend and all but" James stops

"But what?"

"I liked you for long time and I wanna go farther"he says

Wait what!?I got adopted by Louis Tomlinson(Louis Tomlinson fan fiction)Completed. (EXTREME EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now