She who had cherished him

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She ,who was thrown to the sky, was falling back to the battle grounds. Lu  Yan swam to catch her because he didn't want to see another scrach on her body.

He catches her in the midway and brings her down. He grips her tight, not letting her slip from his hands.
He leans her head on his knees, making it's easy for her to look at him.

Then their eyes meet. His vision had blurred with the unshed tears,but he could see her looking at him with a soul penitrating look. He indeed felt depressed. He never wanted an ending like this.

He remembered yelling at her and spelling her from the upper releam, yet he could never be angry at her. He  could never hate her, but she didn't know. He didn't tell her either as he wanted her to recuperate on her wrongdoings,for he believed she made a mess, yet he never wanted this.

He was in pain. He was losing her again.

Seeing her lips trembled, he knew she was trying to utter something. He tucked her so that she could talk well. She slightly smiled at him before uttering the words.


When she uttered those words she meant,  he could no longer hold his tears back. A warm tear rolled along his divine face. Even the heaven couldn't take it. A true god's tear could make the heaven shake with a loud rumble.

Even at the doors of the death, she had been thinking of him. She was trying to cheer him up.

Though he didn't use the mind reading spell, he could see through her,as she was a pure soul. He felt pathetic and guilty of his deeds. To keep the balance of the releam, he hurt her without thinking twice,yet she had thrown her life twice to save him without thinking twice.

"You shouldn't have liked me,"  He retorted within.

"You are going through all this pain,as you liked me," 

Another tear rolled down his cheeks.

Seeing him cry, she who had no strength to utter any other word shook her head, not agreeing with him. Seeing her do that, his heart quivered.

"I have hurt her again. I have made her cry again."

Lu Yan tried hard to hold his tears back , for he nolonger  wanted to make her life  more miserable than now.

She spent a few seconds observing his face, and then a loud sob escaped from her lips. The sob could penitrate Lu Yan's soul. He falsely wanted to keep her alive somehow. He truly didn't want to let her go this time.

He tried to transfer his spiritual power into her, but it was a futile effort. The gaze in her eyes had suddenly changed. They were no longer filled with affection, nor with rage. Instead, they were at rest.

He didn't know what they meant ,but he felt less pain seeing her eased.

Qin Ru's heart was finally at ease.

"If I have another chance to be born again, I will not love you,"

"I will not hate you."

"I WILL ............FORGET YOU!!!!!!!"

Her eyes shone with the new hope.


Then she looked at him one last time before closing her eyes shut.

Lu Yan thought she was getting some strength. Lu Yan, though she had some more time left on earth. But seeing her close her eyes ,he patted her cheeks. He was not ready to accept the truth that she had gone.

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