The blessing, came in disguise

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Soon they reached the village, but even from a distance anyone could say that it wasn't the same. Overnight it had been burned to the ground. And there was no trace of the civilians.

When she saw the sight,she couldn't believe her eyes. Her heart tightened.  She felt she couldn't breathe.  She wanted to cry but her voice didn't come out. She wanted to run towards her house,but her legs gave up. They waddled and she collapsed.

" No.....No..."
She finally screamed out lout. She got up with the help of Jing Ling. She took few steps ahead. Seeing the still burning houses , her mind went wild. Somehow she managed to reach her house.

She called "mom!" In a faint voice followed by a loud sob. Suddenly a river of tears started to fall. Her house had burned down. She couldn't see any of them.  Her dad,her mom and....and her little sister. She screamed like an insane woman. She held her head from both hands and lamented,not knowing what to do.

Just then she saw a half burned garment of her little sis.She grabbed it, embraced that to her heart and grieved,and then suddenly fainted.

Jing Ling who was in a trail of thoughts reached her in time and caught her. He held her and leaned her head against a nearby wall.

All this time what he thought was " Why master didn't know this? It's very unlikely to happen". Then he made the three call spell and brought his master there.

The girl who fainted opened her eyes to see a divine figure who was facing back to her, conversing with Jing Ling. His robe fluttered in the wind. But she was in no place to admire anything. She looked back at her house. Her heart was hurt like it was ripped apart. She was too shocked to come back to normal.

" Jing Ling! Take her to mount lookout. This is very strange and can be a trap. I want to do a thorough study before dig in to this matter. "

Jing Ling obeyed his master and accompanied her to the mountain hut.

She ,who still couldn't come out from the  trauma stayed still looking at one direction.

Jing Ling served her some tea and fruits,but she didn't even look at them. Finally he thought to talk to her.

" Young miss! I know you are sad, but I think no civilian was hurt. We didn't find any of their corps. So they must be safe somewhere. "

Her face lit up hearing that.

" Are you sure,they were not ? Are you sure?"

She swam to him and asked. He distant himself from her and admitted it. Finally he could see some liveliness in her.

"I wanna go find them. " She stood up to go ,but was stopped by Jing Ling.

"Master Lu Yan is already working on it. He will find out the truth. Let's wait for his arrival. "

That made sense and that's what she needed right then. Someone to rely on. So she impatiently waited for him, pacing back and forth. Every passing second she looked at the entrance of the Mount lookout to see his arrival,but there was of no sign.

So she turned back all disappointed with a downcasted face just to see someone robe fluttering right infront of her. She lifted her face to look at the tall figure. He was a handsome man with  a flawless beauty.

She was in a daze till Jing Ling call him out with a relief.

"Master! You are back"

Just hearing the word "Master" She realised it was him. She never thought he would be so young. But now she is seeing him, she went on knees at him.

"Master! What had happened to them? Are they safe? Did you find their whereabouts?" She pleaded

He didn't answer her. Instead he close the gap and sat at the stone table. Jing Ling served him a cup of tea. He sipped it. He was in no hurry to tell anything yet.

She stood up and went back to him.

"How can you sip your tea in peace when everything is not right? Did you find anything or not?"

She asked him in a pissed off tone. Just then a lightning cracked through the sky.
Jing Ling ran to her and ask her to shut her mouth.

" Mind your language. Master will tell about everything at the right time"

But she was not ready to accept that .

" What right ti...."

Before she could say anything else Jing Ling sushed her with a mute spell. Master Lu Yan who sipped his tea in peace finally awakened his voice.

" Your family,friends,relations all are alive,but...."

Her face fell with the "but..."

" But you won't be able to see them anytime soon"

She who just lost her voice looked at him with wide eyes. The master himself answered her.

" because ,I couldn't find their whereabouts.  I sensed huge demonic power in the village, so the demons must be involved in this. If that's the case we cannot just barge in , we need the help of......."

Though she was waiting, he didn't complete it.

"So wait  until the things are resolved  "

He then swiped his hand, and disbanded the mute spell on the girl.

"How can I wait, when I know nothing about them? How can I be at ease?"

She asked him in pain.

" You will." He answered calmly and stepped closer to her.

He looked her in the eyes. So did she, not knowing what's happening on earth, and then he placed his finger on her forehead. With a swift move, he erased her memories of her childhood, her family ,friends, and relations. The only memories that were left were her being wounded and saved by him.



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