A poem to remember

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With Tian Lu's arrival, Lu Yan sent her off to prepare some tea for them,but she feared Tian Lu might have all the moon cakes,as she saw his greedy eyes on them.

So handovering the tea making task to Jing Ling ,Qin Ru had come back to the deck. Not as Qin Ru ,but Snow Ball. She managed to crawl under the stone table undercover. Of course, she was in a secret mission until she heard the words of her shifu.

" She must have earned them with a lot of effort. She would be sad if I didn't accept her treat. "

Qin Ru's face was overwhelmed with happiness. She wanted to hug him and kiss him in the cheeks right away.

"She would be sad...." She repeated, chuckling to herself.

"💋💋💋shifu is the best." She was proud of herself as well.

Then she heard what the annoying guy said in reply.

" You care too much of your disciple..huh,"

She was mad at him again.

"The fun sucker.Yes, my shifu do care of me. Why ,are you envy?" She badmouth him.

But as Lu Yan kept that conversation aside and brought another topic, making her chain of thoughts was diverted in that particular direction.

She heard him say that he studied the map of demonic releam a few days ago.

"So the matter was related to the demonic releam,"she thought.

When they converse  further, she understood that they were talking about someone called Xuan Yu, who was trapped in Never releam. But she had never heard of another releam called Never releam other than the three releams, so she naturally became very curious about the matters.

"Never releam!!!,and who was that Xuan Yu?" She muttered.

She could hear the footsteps of Jing Ling, who was advancing the stone table. Short later,after sipping tea, god Tian Lu took his leave,mentioning shifu to be in alert.

"Master, why did god Tian Lu ask you to be in alert?"

But instead of answering Jing Ling's questions,he called someone ahead.

"Qin Ru ! Come out this instant." It was more of a command.

"What!!! Shifu knew I was here. I am finished for good." She stammered, shaking her head.

Surprising Jing Ling, the Snow Ball crawled out from the stone table like a thief and turned into her human form.

"So this was your urgent matter you had to attend,right?  " Jing Ling asked in a teasing manner,as she got all exposed.

"I didn't want to eavesdrop. I just wanted to make sure that master have the moon cakes I brought back." She replied, being a little annoyed with Jing Ling.

First, Lu Yan didn't have a single idea that she was underneath, but hearing her scrach her earlobes ,he had convinced himself that she was there listening to them. But what she just said cleared his doubts.

" What did you hear? " He asked her in a bossy tone.

"I heard about someone called Xuan Yu ,and the  never releam."
She answered straightforwardly, as there was nothing to hide.

" Xuan Yu and Never releam!!!! "

Then he remembered again that God Tian Lu mentioned God Lu Yan to be in alert earlier. He could match the dots.

"Master has he escaped from the Never releam. Why didn't you inform me in advance that Xuan Yu had escaped ? I could have helped you.  " He retorted.

" So ,the three of them know about Xuan Yu,only I do not." She pondered.

" shifu...who is Xuan Yu, and what is Never releam?I have never heard of that." She asked curiously

It was the same place Lu Yan was supposed to go ,if he ever went against his promise to the chief god.

"Now that you are my disciple,  you should learn about the Never releam too. It is the fourth releam that no one dares to mention."

Jing Ling supported his master's reply, adding more to it.

In never releam there are haunted,dissociated vallies for many miles. Venomous snakes ,wild beasts, and deadly mythical are frequent there. It is very difficult to find anything edible even in the richest lands ,as the lands are densed with poisonous fruits,leaves, and flowers. Not just that, lonely spirits possess the whole land,looking for a body to revive.

Jing Ling's explanation gave goosebumps all over her body.

" Master trapped Xuan Yu there, as  for the punishment. As he burnt out a whole village overnight ,hurt his loyal servant , and  killed his disciple." He further revealed, looking into her eyes.

It was a little bit awkward for Lu Yan to be a bystander and sit there when his henchman admired him. So, as a humble God, he exited the deck to his residence, leaving them to continue their chit chatting.

" Hurt master's loyal servant and killed  master's disciple...." She murmered.

"I thought I was his first disciple?" She questioned him.

"Yes,you are," Jing Ling replied in a firm voice, making her more confused.

"Then....killing me....and the village"
She  finally could untangle the mess. She was petrified when she did that.

"So Xuan Yu....Xuan Yu was that .....that demon lord," She quivered, recalling the events.

His silence proved that she was right.

" So,Jing Ling, what shall we do now? Will he hurt shifu?" She asked in a wavering heart.

"That's what I am concerned of. Sometimes master keeps things to him. For the time being, I can only fortify the barriers around the mount lookout.  Let's see what happens. Xuan Yu cannot hide every day. I will fight for my master till my last breath. " He  boldly said.

"So do I" Qin Ru too gave her word.

"Xuan Yu had returned, so the Never releam would be named as Whenever releam by me." She said with a chuckle to light up the mood.

The partners of crime descended towards the kitchen area to have their share of moon cakes.

The next morning, Qin Ru woke up a little earlier than the other days. She swept the deck with a broom and sat at her table. Pale beams of sun were rising from the east, waking up the poet inside her.

The lofty hill waits
She just needs a glymps of you
Do not look away

She rhymed a haiku ,just seeing the Westward hills still sank in the darkness.

That reminded her ,her very first rhyme on her shifu. It was originally a one line poem, she modified it into a haiku.

His white robe flutters
To the rhythm of my heart
Thousand stars witness


She is not bad eh?

The lonely star in your sky [Xu Kai]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin