Chapter nine

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"Where is Megumi?" Maki grunted as her and Shiloh broke off from each other, both of their wooden tools being broken at that point from their spar

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"Where is Megumi?" Maki grunted as her and Shiloh broke off from each other, both of their wooden tools being broken at that point from their spar

"He had something he needed to do" Shiloh answered "But he's taking longer than he said he would" She muttered

"You miss him already?" Maki snickered the two girls sitting on the bleachers as they watched Panda and inumaki try to corner Nobara and force her to let them throw her

"Leave me alone!!" Nobara screamed as the two grabbed onto the first year

It had been a month since Itadoris death and from the outside, it looked like the first years had been taking it well, almost as if they'd forgotten him, they weren't moping around and barely mentioned him, but it was far from that for all three of them, they'd just been using the upcoming exchange event as a distraction

"I'm not, but he wanted to spar" Shiloh stated resting on the bleachers

"He's two hours late, did he go on a mission?" She wondered out loud

"I'm here now, sorry to keep you waiting" Megumi said as he made his way down the stairs

"You're late megumi" Maki scoffed as she brought a had to her hip "Where were you?"

"What's it to you?" Megumi replied zipping up his jacket

"There you are" Shiloh sighed zipping up her jacket, megumi seemingly deep in though whilst staring at nobara who was being spun around

"Maki what type of people do you hope to save as a jujutsu sorcerer?" Megumi asked
"Huh? Why should I care wether of not my actions save others?" Maki questioned

"Nanami! Save me!" Nobara screamed as panda swung her around, inumaki waiting to catch her

"I knew I shouldn't have asked you" megumi sighed
"Huh??" Maki said

"What about you Shiloh?" Megumi asked turning to the girl who's spiral eyes stared back at him

"To be honest, I've never really given it much thought" Shiloh yawned

"I guess good people, there's not that many in this world so the idea of letting one die bugs me out. But at the end of the day I'm only here because I have to be strong enough that the higher ups are unable to detain me" Shiloh shrugged

"Oi Fushiguro!! What're you doing conducting interviews over there?! Trade places with me!! This school uniform is a pain! I'm gonna go buy cute tracksuits!" Nobara yelled

"What are those two doing?" Megumi asked as he watched panda fling Nobara into the air

"You two are weak at close combat" Maki stated, signaling at megumi and nobara
"First, try and win against me." The zenin smiled, Adina getting up

"I'm out" Shiloh stated leaving her broken wooden stick behind

"Where are you going?" Megumi asked

"I'm going out to eat lunch with kento"

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