Chapter two

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"Kento?" Shiloh asked her older cousin who sat opposite her with a cup of black tea and toast while she chowed down on some orange juice and homemade pancakes

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"Kento?" Shiloh asked her older cousin who sat opposite her with a cup of black tea and toast while she chowed down on some orange juice and homemade pancakes

"Yes Shiloh?" Nanami asked as he looked up from his food to be met with the distant expression of his younger cousin

"When are we going to see megumi again?" Shiloh asked, sitting upright and waiting for her cousin's reply

"I actually wanted to keep it a surprise, but they're coming over for dinner, since it's summer break Megumi pretty free" Nanami smiled as he watched his cousins try and contain her smile


As per her request, nanami had to sit and watch the spectacular spider man with his younger cousin for a good hour until a knock on the door saved him, only for him to remember a white haired menace stood on the other side

"Come in" Nanami said in a groggy voice, remembering this was all for his precious cousins who was basically a sister to him at this point

"You could atleast pretend your happy to see me" Gojo sulked as he made his way in, megumi who'd been told they were going to an old friend, not knowing it was nanami, was completely caught off guard when he saw a familiar young black haired girl staring back at him with her usual sleepy smile

"Megumi!" She smiled, making her way over to the boy
"Wow, no hi for me?" Gojo pouted, Shiloh quickly greeting him before her and megumi made their way to the living room

"Sorry it's in another language" Shiloh said apologetically as she fumbled with the remote to look for Japanese subtitles

"Don't worry, this way we can both learn each others languages" Megumi smiled, the two closely watching tv

"This is the nicest I've seen megumi with any kid other than his sister" Gojo muttered as him and nanami spied from the living room

"You know, my aunt has a vegetable garden in a backyard, I cut some tomatoes from there on Saturday" Shiloh smiled as she pointed towards the bowl
"They look extra nice" Megumi nodded before he began explaining his hoards of bunny shikigami to Shiloh who listened intently

"So do you think you could ever name all of them?" She asked
"Nope, they all look the same and there's too many" Megumi sighed

"Do you have any pets?" The dark haired male asked
"Back home i have a cat, but here I have a stuffed penguin called gunther" Shiloh smiled pointing to the stuffed animal on the sofa

"Gunther? What type of name is that?" Megumi questioned
"I think it's a great name! No! I know it's a great name" Shiloh stated, megumis smiling at how she still didn't change her opinion

"Guys, takeaways here" Gojo yelled as the group sat down to eat

"Can we change the channel?" Gojo asked being met with the two childrens frown

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