Chapter three

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Nanami sat in his kitchen watching the news whilst Shiloh went out to buy some groceries when his phone began to ring, Gojos contact popping up

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Nanami sat in his kitchen watching the news whilst Shiloh went out to buy some groceries when his phone began to ring, Gojos contact popping up

"What does he want?" Nanami sighed, picking up the phone

"Kento, is Shiloh with you?" Gojo questioned his voice being extremely different from his usual

"No, she's gone to the shops, why?" Nanami asked the sound of Gojo clicking his tongue
"Turns out, your cousin is a strong star plasma candidate" Gojo sighed, Nanami feeling his heart drop

"The ones that get merged with tengen??" He said with a shaky breath "How do you know??"

"A higher up from my clan informed me, it was something that was being kept away from anyone who wasn't apart of them" Gojo sighed

"Then I need to find her, who knows what those guys will do once get their hands on her. They won't even consult us" Nanami said in a panicked tone

"I'm gonna call her, if she doesn't answer I'm contacting the higher ups" Nanami stated

"The higher ups aren't the only thing to worry about though, check thag cursed user website, a bud has been put up by another variant of the star religious group" Gojo stated

"I'm in the car with megumi right now, we're nearly at Tokyo meet up with me once we get there" Gojo said before noticing nanami had hung up a while ago

"What's happening to Shiloh?" Megumi questioned
"Megumi, I'm dropping you off at home, don't worry and if Shiloh makes her way to your house or you even catch a glimpse of her, contact us immediately" Gojo said sternly


Shiloh made her way into a nearby park, sitting down and getting ready to eat the chocolate she'd gotten for herself when she noticed a shikigami making its way towards her, the girl quickly backing off only to find it was targeting her, Shiloh used her technique to decimate the creature only for a horde to appear forcing her to retreat behind the trees

"What's are shikigami doing out?" She thought, realising someone was behind her she turned around too late only to be met with a man's fist to her face, knocking her out


Shiloh awoke to the distant sounds of men conversing in the corner a few meters from her, she kept her eyes half open trying to make sense of what they were talking about all she could gather was that she was apart of some ritual, yet she couldn't understand what or why

"There's still 24 hours until the assimilation and Satoru Gojo will be making his way here, if we can get her to that cult leader in time, we'll get paid extra" one man said, Shiloh already deducing she wasn't close to her home or jujutsu tech

"We'll take her down there in a few hours," Another, older man stated

The metallic taste of blood danced around her taste buds as she sat on the could hard floor, unable to do anything while tied up, her head was aching from how hard she'd been hit and she was sure she'd lost a tooth

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