Chapter five

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"Why the hell do we have to go on another mission?? We went on one yesterday!!" Nobara whined as her and Yuji sulky made their way into ijichis car due to another surprise mission their teacher had sprouted on them, megumi following behind his two...

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"Why the hell do we have to go on another mission?? We went on one yesterday!!" Nobara whined as her and Yuji sulky made their way into ijichis car due to another surprise mission their teacher had sprouted on them, megumi following behind his two new classmates,

he had only known itadori for less than a week and he barely knew kugisaki but he could already tell the two were expressive, to say the least

"We are jujutsu sorcerers, we're bound to go on a lot of missions especially with how understaffed we are" Megumi stated, Nobara letting out an exaggerated groan

"I hate that you're right" she sighed as they entered the car

"Don't worry guys, I'll be right by your side" Gojo smiled


"Right by your side my foot" Nobara scoffed as the three students made their way through the abandoned theme park, Yuji attempting to go on one of the rides but being pulled off by megumi

"Should we split up?" Yuji asked as they made their way into the building where there was obviously a cursed spirit

"Nah, its curses from grade two level and above, it would be better if we stay together" Nobara hummed, whilst the three students made their way through the hallways whilst talking about what they should make Gojo buy them this time only for their conversation to be interrupted by a second grade curse that burst through the wall and latched onto yuji, smashing him into another room only for the pink haired boy to kick it in its shin and step back

"That hurt" Yuji muttered as he shook off the rubble on his shoulder, megumis divne dogs havibg already attacked the curse and bit one of his arms off only for nobara to use her straw doll technique to exorcise it

"We make a good team" Yuji smiled before all three were kicked out of the room by another grade two that held onto a young girl that was crying, holding one of its claws to her neck

"Shit! It's got a hostage.." Megumi sighed noticing two other grade twos, one crawling ontop of the ceiling whilst another stood at the side of the door
"Why does Gojo give us these type of missions??" Nobara groaned, trying to think of what to do in that situation

The sound of gurgling caught the three students attantion as they watched the demise of the second grade curse at the door, blood started to ooze out of every crevice of its body, it's expression looking like it wanted to scream but was unable to, the curse eventually falling into the ground covered in a pool of its own blood

"What the hell??" Nobara managed to get out as a girl their age quietly walked through the door

She wore the shoulder length black hair in a low ponytail leaving her front hair out, her uniform consisted of a long ankle length pleated black skirt and a dark tight formal shit along with a string swirled pendant underneath her collar and black boots

Yuji let out a small gasp to which the girl brought her finger up, prompting him to keep quiet at he went behind the curse that was holding the little girl, ripping its head off whilst saying "curse, spinal cord axe"

The curse screamed out in pain as it leg go of the child, it's wails eventually coming to an end as it's head had fully began to resemble that of a curse, the ceiling curse leaping off its spot in order to attack the girl only for her to cut its head off

"Who is she?" Nobara managed to get out, noticing megumis pale face
"No way" The boy mumbled as he stared at the girl infront of him

"Good job shi!!" Gojos voice was heard as he made his way through the door with a huge smile which the girl returned,

"Now, let me introduce you to your new classmates!!" The white haired man declared placing his arm over Shilohs shoulder

"Grade one sorcerer, Shiloh Nanami!! An exchange student from Europe, and the fourth and final first year!!" Gojo smiled,

"I can introduce myself" Shiloh stated, her grey eyes meeting megumis green ones

"Hello Megumi!" Shiloh waved before she was ambushed by her other two classmates

"I'm yuji itadori from Sendai!!" A pink haired boy said with a huge smile

"Ah, you're sukanas vessle! Gojo told me about that" Shiloh smiled
"Wait she called fushiguro megumi?" Yuji thought as he was pushed out of the way

"I'm Kugisaki nobara! I'm so glad I'll have a girl my age in this school!" Nobara said with a huge smile

"I was worried I'd be the only girl" Shiloh said with an exhale

"You're really beautiful, where are you from??" Nobara questioned
"I'm Greek, danish and Japanese" Shiloh smiled feeling too lazy to list countries
"Like Zeus!!" Yuji gasped earning a slap on the back of his neck by nobara

"Gojo, that's megumi right?" Shiloh asked the white haired male
"Yeah, he's just shy" Gojo giggled, the onyx haired girl making her way over to megumi who's face was as pale as a ghost

"Shiloh" Megumi managed to get out as he stared at the girl infront of him
"I thought you were ignoring me for a second" She hummed

"No, I was just shocked to see you here" He mumbled, Shiloh giving him a small smile before letting out a small yawn and turning to Satoru

"Gojo I'm hungry, are we getting something to eat?" She asked, megumi still looking like he'd seen a reanimated corpse

"Sure! Where'd you wanna go?"

"Steakhouse!! Steakhouse please!!" Yuji pleaded having lost to nobara the previous day
"Steakhouse" Shiloh smiled, the pink haired male giving her a hug "Thank you!!" Yuji cheered

"Alright are we all okay with that?" Gojo smiled
"Yeah that's fine" Nobara yawned
"Megumi?" The white haired male asked, megumi being too busy staring at Shiloh who was conversing with nobara and yuji

"Let's go" Gojo ushered the other three students leaving a shocked megumi
"Don't fall behind megumi" Shiloh said, taking the dark haired males hand and pulling him closer to the group


"So are you permanently in Japan now?" Megumi asked as he sat opposite Shiloh who cut up her steak and helped nobara with hers "Yeah, for as long as I'm at jujutsu tech" She smiled

"Did Gojo not tell you?" Shiloh questioned "No he didn't"

"No wonder you were so pale" Shiloh giggled "Japan's the only place with jujutsu schools so I really had no choice, plus it would be nice to see you" She hummed, megumi giving her a small smile
"It is nice to see you"

"So uhm, how do you two know eachother?" Yuji asked from beside megumi
"It's none of your business" Megumi mumbled

"These two have known eachother for nearly a decade!!" Gojo sighed "But they were too young to uphold a long distance relationship, but now they've been reunited!!"

"You're so dramatic" Shiloh scoffed

"You're so dramatic" Shiloh scoffed

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