Behind Closed Doors

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Damn, I can't believe it took me this long for another update! Happy new year everyone! On the bright side, I can now start working on other works, including the Helluva Dad mid-season special, which will feature an original story centered around Jake.



Moxxie was worried that Frankie and Donnie might tag along with him once the festival ended, but thankfully, the twin sharks had to join Jawns and return to Dad. He did promise them he'd hang out with them a bit more before they left—rather, Frankie 'coerced' him into promising it in exchange for not telling Dad he lived there.

How he missed those two's antics.

"Friends of yers, I guess." Moxxie turned around and saw Striker leaning against the nearest wooden post.

"Yeah, they were kinda like big brothers to me when I was a child. How about you? Jawns seemed to have taken a liking to you."

"Ye know that guy?"

"He works for my father. Turns out he's... visiting the town."

"Ye don't seem happy about it."

Moxxie shifted uncomfortably. "Let's say Dad and I didn't part on precisely good terms."

Striker noticed it was a sensitive topic and decided not to press it. "Does half the prize 'money' cover the doctor visit and the town Imp stuff?"

"That was unexpected, but it should at least cover the basics. We should find Jane and go to the doctor. I made an appointment for eight o'clock, so we really should get going–"

"Hey, Striker!" to the Hellwalker's distaste, Blitzo came from behind and wrapped an arm around his shoulders. "Congrats on winning, pal! It's a pity you tied with the shark mafioso, but– Hey, Mox!" he chirped as he noticed Moxxie. "Did you meet my new friend?"

Striker rattled his tail.

"Yeah, Blitz. He asked me where he could find the doctor to take his newborn baby."

"Oh, you're going into town? Nice! I think I'll tag along. I must get a nice bath before the bonfire at Millie's folks' place."

"Blitz, you weren't invited–"

"It's no big deal; invitations are just formalities. Sides, you might need some backup when Travers shows up—Oh, look, there's Millie!"

"He's more annoyin' than a flea in a hellbeast's mane," Striker murmured as Blitzo approached Millie and Jane.

Moxxie sighed. "You have no idea..."

They caught up with their respective wives, with whom Blitzo was chatting. He seemed to be taken aback when he recognized Jake, but Millie explained the situation. To Moxxie's dismay and Striker's chagrin, Millie and Blitzo joined them on the trip into town; Striker looked like he was trying his best not to snap at the latter as he constantly violated his personal space. They first went straight to the bank to change the check for cash; Jane, of course, carried the money, given her husband's unfamiliarity with it. Afterward, they headed to the hospital on the other side of town.

Moxxie kept an eye out for his father's men. Unfortunately, he spotted many familiar faces—mostly from his father's inner circle—scattered throughout town. How couldn't he? Shark demons stand out in Wrath; given their aquatic biology, this ring's hot and dry climate isn't suitable for them, so it's improbable to find them here unless there's... business involved. The biggest concentration of sharks was at the Inn. Dad must be there at the moment.

"Why are there so many sharks around?" Jake inquired curiously.

"They're mafiosos, kiddo, so you better stay away from them unless you want to get whacked," Blitzo warned.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Mar 30 ⏰

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