Expecting The Unexpected

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Phew! Finally! Sorry for taking a bit too long. This time, it took me a few drafts to be satisfied with the pace. But on the bright side, it's quite longer than usual ;). 

And, as the title suggests, be ready for some surprises.


Moxxie stayed with the Hellwalker family for a little longer until he recalled he was supposed to go to the scullery for the evening shit. As he waved goodbye for the time being, Striker offered to accompany him to the edge of the forest without being coerced by Jane. He initially thought the Hellwalker would play a prank on him, but surprisingly he didn't. 

Instead, they had a more-or-less friendly chat on the way to the forest's edge. 

"So yer pops was shitty, huh? Sorry about that, little fella."

"He wasn't exactly... shitty; he just pretended I wasn't there most of the time unless it was to berate me for something." Moxxie sighed. He spotted a small birds nest in one of the nearby trees, and the adult bird was feeding a worm to her chicks. "I do wish that things had been different, though."

Striker suddenly grabbed Moxxie by the collar of his shirt. "Ye almost stepped into a trap, little dude." 

Moxxie examined the patch of grass he nearly stepped unto. At first glance, it looked pretty normal, but on closer inspection, he saw the sharp tips of a bear trap barely sticking out from underneath. 

Tentatively, the thespian picked up a nearby stick and let it fall. He jumped back, startled when the trap sprung and snapped the twig in half.

"To think that could have been yer leg." 

Oh, crumbs. "T-Thanks..."

"Smell it." 


"I won't always be 'round to tell ya ye're about to step unto a trap. It's best if ye learn the scent." Striker had a good point there. 

Moxxie stared at the sprung trap before reluctantly taking a sniff. The metal didn't have a smell—like he once told Striker, but there were other scents clung into it. Moxxie could make out the familiar traces of gunpowder and Imp sweat, but he couldn't point to whom the latter belonged. Guess it's just from a random hunter. 

"With that, yer nose should tell ya whenever there's a trap nearby. It'd be nice of ya to spring them if ye ever come across one. I don't want my hellbeasts to get stuck in one." 

"O-Okay..." Moxxie promised. He felt partly wrong at ruining Millie and Blitz's efforts, though. 

At last, they arrived at the edge of the forest. And as always, Striker would go no further than that. 

"Remember, townie. Try to keep yer emotions at bay to avoid any involuntary leakins', especially if ye're around plants or animals." Striker reminded Moxxie for the fifth time.


"And try not to get hurt as a hellbeast, or ye'll have to explain to yer wife how the fuck you got an injury that wasn't there before ye went to bed." Moxxie touched the spot where Blitzo's bullet had left a burn last night. 

"Easy for you to say. You don't live in the part of town with the most activity!" the thespian complained, to which Striker chuckled.

"I guess I'll see ya tonight, little fella."

Moxxie blinked as Striker disappeared back into the foliage. Is it him, or hadn't the Hellwalker called him 'vermin' on the way back? 

The wranglers' whistles and the cattle being led back to the barns reminded Moxxie that it was getting late. He better get to the scullery, or they'd discount the missing hours from his paycheck.

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