Dracule Mihawk

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Halloween special 2023 – Mihawk

Gripping the edges of the sink, you stared at your own reflection through the mirror, eyes narrowed in determination.

"You can do that," you muttered to yourself, but the moment you had said it, it felt a little bit silly. Still, you continued to peptalk yourself. Robin had said that it should work eventually.

It was Halloween night and you had yet to inform your lover Mihawk of the theme. That he had agreed to joining the party was already a miracle in itself. Not only was he older than your friends, but also – as he liked to call it – more sophisticated. Pompous fucker would have been the word you would have used in that moment, but you did like his 'sophisticated' personality.

Mihawk was well spoken, a gentleman in every regard of life, albeit reserved and cold on the outside. Originally, when you two had first met, you would have never guessed that you'd eventually end up living with him.

You were in a bar and hanging out with your friends, when Shanks, one of the few people Mihawk called a friend – although he used the word nuisance for him – got very friendly with your friend. The two of them immediately hit it off, leaving you and Mihawk alone for the remainder of the night.

Neither of you talked much with the other. The ravenette didn't look like he enjoyed any company, and you, you just didn't care. Honestly, you were pretty sour during the entire evening.

Makino and you didn't see each other much, and instead of talking to you and hanging out and doing what you had originally planned to do, she was tongue deep down a stranger's throat. Good for her, really, the redhead was nice to look at and dripping in charm, but you still couldn't hide the continuous roll in your eyes whenever you glanced over to them.

You first started talking to Mihawk after he told another man to get lost. That man, Moscato was his name, wouldn't leave you alone. You tried to let him down easy because you knew his family and didn't want any drama with the matriarch of sweets, but he didn't get the message.

At least until Mihawk told him to get lost, followed by the raventte taking the seat next to you in the corner booth to keep other men from creeping up on you. After Makino and Shanks had left, Mihawk had even walked you home, mumbling something about that he was sorry his nuisance had so little care and manners, to which you just waved a dismissive hand and told him that it was really not that bad.

His coat across your shoulders was warm and soft, and it had the faint smell of books and wine on it, as well as...a hint of pine.

After Mihawk bid you adieu by your doorstep, you realised that you had accidentally kept his coat and upon tracking him down with Makino's – or rather Shanks' – help, Mihawk and you had started seeing each other.

Cracking his super tough shell was difficult, but it led you to where you were now, and you couldn't be happier. Although he was a little bit rough around the edges, and definitely not a people's person, you had never felt so cherished and loved in your life.

"You are an amazing, independent, and strong woman! You can do it! It's just telling him - ," you sighed, the strong façade you had kept up so far crumbling as your entire face scrunched up. The rest of your sentence left your lips almost inaudibly, "that he has to wear a maid costume."

Nami, why?????

You whined quietly, dropping your head low as you thought for the billionth time this week about whether or not you were willing to cause an argument over something as trivial as a costume. Then again, being a little more relaxed wouldn't do Mihawk much harm.

A One Piece Halloween - Role Reversal (Various x Reader)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ